Silver Screen Dental

11851 Jollyville Rd #201, Austin, TX 78759
Closed today
Opens Monday at 10:00am
Monday10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday7:00am - 3:00pm
Wednesday7:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday7:00am - 3:00pm

Here at Silver Screen Dental of Austin, Texas, we operate as a team to provide the highest quality dental services at an affordable price in a caring manner. We treat everyone with honesty and integrity and understand that we are treating people and not just teeth.

Dr. Steven Booth is a tremendously dedicated professional that is concerned with the complete oral health of his patients. Dr. Booth graduated with his DDS from University of Nebraska and has been a practicing dentist since 1995. As a professional in every sense of the word, he is absolutely committed to continuing education in order to stay abreast of the latest advances in diagnosis procedures, treatments and state-of-the-art technology. In addition to his ongoing extensive research, reading, attending continuing education courses, seminars and the like, he also maintains strong ties to dental professional organizations. He is absolutely committed to staying on the forefront of cosmetic and restorative dentistry, using advanced materials and new techniques.

In 2001, Dr. Booth started his own practice, Silver Screen Dental. As a result of his warm, communicative chair side manor, deft skills, usage of state-of-the-art technology to improve smiles, and an outstanding team he has gained many dedicated patients over the years.

Dr. Booth is a devoted husband to Michelle Booth, and they have two active children, Sydney (age 14) and Zachary (age 13). Dr. Booth participates in a variety of outdoor sports, including wakeboarding, golf, volleyball, softball, mountain biking, and kayaking. Additionally Dr. Booth contributes heavily to the Austin area community.

Silver Screen Dental - General dentist in Austin, TX

Vivian graduated from the dental assistant school at Tennessee Tech in Newbern, and has over 17 years experience. She was an instructor at Vista College in Killeen, and spent several years volunteering at the Temple Community Clinic in Bell County.

Nora joined the practice in 2003. Prior to moving to Austin, she worked for five years in a successful dental practice in San Antonio. She holds a degree in biology from the University of Texas in San Antonio. Pursuing her interest in dentistry, she attended The University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio and completed the dental hygiene program

Nora was born and raised in South Texas. In her spare time she enjoys running, traveling, and listening to live music. She also enjoys spending time with her family and friends and her dog, Valentino!

Silver Screen Dental - General dentist in Austin, TX

Michelle joined the practice when her husband, Dr. Booth, opened Silver Screen Dental in 2001. She worked in the front office up until their first child was born in 2002. She graduated from Arizona State University. She met her husband at her best friends wedding! Michelle had been working behind the scenes and is now also back in the office intermittently working on marketing projects and helping with day to day operations.

She is also busy shuttling their high school kids to and from sports, activities and functions. She and her 2 teens love volunteering in the toddler room at church. She is very involved in the booster club at the middle school the kids attend.

Family is extremely important to Trish. She has been married for over twenty years, has four children and recently welcomed her first granddaughter. Her family also includes five dogs and two cats! Trish is involved with her church, loves cooking and helping others.

  • Can stem cells or other new medications grow back teeth? Teeth can not be usefully grown in humans at this time. There is research being done with dental stem cells to re-grow a root instead of placing a dental implant. A porcelain or zirconia crown would still be needed since that space and shape has to be custom for each situation. There does also seam to be some promise with a new drug (Tideglusib) that can stimulate dentin formation in a tooth. This could prevent the need for many root canals. The hole in the enamel will still need to be repaired since the tooth formation will be internal and not externally directed.
  • Why cant my crown just be re-cemented? The situation that a crown can be re-cemented is when the cement bond fails either to the crown or to the tooth and there has not been any decay or damage to the crown. Shaping the tooth for the crown in a way to increase retention can prevent so much reliance on the bond of the cement. Six degrees of taper and a minimum of 3mm wall height is recommended. Some back teeth are very short and that can be difficult to achieve. Often times old crowns over time the cement can wash out leaving space for bacteria to get under it and cause decay.
  • Why do I need a build up with my crown? Sometimes there is not enough tooth to support a crown so some filling material is used to build up the tooth so that crown will be supported for chewing and shaped properly for retention.
  • Why do I keep getting cavities? Cavities are caused by acid in contact with teeth. Acids in the mouth can come from 1)bacteria in your mouth (metabolizing food (sugar) to release acid), 2)dietary acid (a big problem for some who drink soda or other acidic liquids often through outt the day), and finally 3) stomach acid for those with reflux or eating disorders. Where acid is in contact with teeth the longest is where teeth get cavities. The deep grooves in biting surfaces of back teeth that are harder to clean and in between teeth where flossing is the only way to clean are common area. If you keep getting cavities then there are few things to evaluate. Are you are getting all the bacteria cleaned from the hard to get areas? Is your diet part of the problem by sipping acidic drinks during the day? Is it possible you have dry mouth from medications or un-diagnosed acid reflux from you stomach? There are products that can help. See question #9.
  • Why was my insurance estimate wrong? Over the last several years it has gotten more and more difficult to predict what dental insurance companies will out right deny or downgrade benefits for even obvious procedures that seam to be clearly covered in the plan. The fine print changing from year to year that no one reads is cause for many denials. Dental insurance companies do not seam to be patient advocates but try instead to find a way not to pay. All we can say is that we will fight for your coverage as best we can by documenting with x-rays, photographing, writing letters of explanation and refilling as needed.
  • Why are root canals sometimes needed after having a crown done or major filling work? Any time there is extensive damage to a tooth from decay or fracture that requires drilling close the pulp of the tooth there is a chance the tooth will respond negatively by developing pulpitis (inflammation inside the tooth). Sometime the pulpitis wont go away by itself and a root canal is needed to stop the pain and remove the damaged tissue inside the tooth.
  • Explain implant parts? What is an abutment? Most people understand that part of a dental implant screws into the bone. That is one of three main parts called the body of the implant. It is the most expensive part and is surgically placed. The body of the implant is threaded on the outside to adhere to the bone and it also threaded on the inside so that other parts can be attached to the body once it is stable. The part that screws directly into the implant is called an abutment. Abutments can be made custom out of titanium, zirconia or a combination of the two. Prefabricated abutments can sometimes be used for certain situations. The final part is what most people want in the end and that is a crown (or the part that makes it look and act like a tooth). Implant crowns can be cemented to the abutment or they can be screw retained along with the abutment.
  • Can I drive home after getting sedation in the dental office? That depends of the level of sedation. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is the first lever and it wears of quickly enough for the patient to drive them selves home. The next level is oral sedation with triazolam sublingual and it last all day so definitely no driving and you will need someone to stay with you afterwards at home for most of the day. We more rarely do IV sedation in our office and it also requires you to have driver take you home.
  • Im cavity prone what products can I use to minimize this process? There are several good products out now that can help fight against getting cavities in couple of different ways. The first strategy is to evaluate your diet and be sure you are not lowering the pH in your mouth by sipping sodas or other acid drinks during the day. Even many bottled waters are acid so check it out on Google. A second strategy is to harden the teeth with fluoride products. I recommend getting a fluoride varnish (deep penetrating small safe volume) applied in our dental office every 6 months and then re-charging that daily with either a prescription fluoride (tooth paste or rinses available) or by using an over the counter fluoride rinse like ACT in addition to an anti-microbial rinse like Listerine. The third strategy is to use Xylitol products during the day. Saliva is supposed to buffer acidity and some people have poor saliva quantity (dry mouth) or poor saliva quality (acidic mouth) and using Xylitol (a natural sugar product that the bacteria that cause tooth decay can not metabolize to make acid) after meals or acidic drinks will help stimulate natural saliva and help neutralize acid. Xylitol comes in sprays, gum or mints. Check out for more info and products.
  • How is a deep cleaning different than a regular cleaning? A deep cleaning is also known as scaling and root planning. Scaling involves removing tarter and bacteria from the root of the tooth. This procedure is required as a treatment for periodontal disease or some times called gum disease.A regular teeth cleaning is only recommended for patients who have generally good oral health and do not suffer from bone loss or gum issues. Regular cleanings are above the gum line and deep cleanings remove hard calculus/tarter below the gum line.
  • Can clear aligners like Invisalign or ClearCorrect do major ortho cases? Dr. Booth has been doing all kinds orthodontics with clear aligners for over 15 years. He has treated most kinds of cases. The key is simply compliance. If patients wear the trays as directed it works amazingly.
  • Are clear aligners faster or slower than wire braces? Often times clear aligners are faster than traditional wire braces. The reason is that the planning is done in the computer so that the end position of each tooth is determined prior to moving any teeth so the teeth have a direct line to their final position. With wire braced teeth are all pulled to the wire then slid along the wire to the proper position.
  • Is fluoride bad for you? The long and short of it is that too much fluoride is bad but also not enough is bad. Small amounts of fluoride are very helpful in hardening tooth structure to reduce tooth decay. Now we have a very safe and effective way to deliver that fluoride to teeth while in our office. It is called a fluoride varnish and it is a very small amount that is painted on and stays in place for few hours to get a deep penetration into the teeth but not ingest an excessive amount. For general risk patients we recommend getting the varnish placed every 6 months and then recharging that with fluoride tooth paste. For more cavity prone patients, we also recommend a prescription fluoride rinse or tooth paste. An additional alternative is to use an OTC fluoride rinse like ACT. Drinking filtered tap water is another small source of fluoride.
  • Is bottled water better than filtered tap water? City water is regulated to greater degree than bottled water so the fluoride is usually kept at .1ppm which is just enough. The other problem with bottled water is that many of them are acidic which is bad for your teeth. Check out this link for information on bottled water vs tap water. In general, Dr. Booth recommends drinking filtered tap water when ever possible and just bottled water just for convenience. Fiji and Evian are two brands of bottled water with neutral or better pH.
  • My teeth dont hurt so why go to the dentist? We hear this question a fair amount and I can say that pain is often a poor indicator of dental problems until the problems get very advanced. Once decay or gum disease is at an advanced stage the cost to fix is multiple times more or impossible and can lead to tooth loss. So if you are looking to be able to chew in comfort for lifetime, we recommend an ounce of prevention with cleanings, check-ups and x-rays twice a year.
  • Why do I need an oral cancer screening once a year? Dr. Booth and Nora are always looking for lesions that could be cancer as part of every exam. The problem is if they are readily visible they are already in an advanced stage. There are several early detection oral cancer screening tests that use fluoroscopy to detect lesions sub-dermally at much earlier and treatable stages. Vizilight is one that we use.
  • Do you accept my insurance?Generally speaking, if you are able to choose any provider and are not restricted to a list of clinics then we are most likely able to accept your insurance. We will call and verify what benefits you have at our specific office. We are not in network with any insurance companies currently.
  • What will my out-of-pocket cost be after insurance?Insurance companies are a lot harder to predict now. We will verify your coverage and put together an estimate, but the final out of pocket total depends on decisions made by your insurance company. Anything not covered by insurance is the patients responsibility.
  • Why an Electric Toothbrush and which ones are recommended?We would recommend the Oral B Pro 1000 or a Philips SoniCare toothbrush. However any electric tooth brush has added benefit in comparison to manual toothbrushes. Some of the benefits electric toothbrushes provide are: Numerous brushing modes. Pressure sensors Times to help you keep track of how long you are brushing. Digital reminders to replace your brushing head. All these benefits can help you maintain good oral health in between your regular dental visits.
  • Some of the benefits electric toothbrushes provide are: Numerous brushing modes. Pressure sensors Times to help you keep track of how long you are brushing. Digital reminders to replace your brushing head. All these benefits can help you maintain good oral health in between your regular dental visits.
  • Reviews

    Rating 4.9 out of 5 based on 266 reviews

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    2 years ago
    Dr Booth and staff are the greatest. They are caring and pleasant to work with. I have the greatest respect for the entre office staff.

    Richard Hebben
    2 years ago
    Always receive great care form Silver Screen Dental and they're on top of technology that makes teeth repair a lot faster.

    Benjamin Elias
    2 years ago
    Professional staff contacted me regarding earlier availability.

    Saidi Johnson
    2 years ago
    Still..... My wife and I go to Silver Screen. We trust the Dr's opinion. He never fails to present a new or different way to achieve a particular goal within a treatment plan (this is innovative). Dr. Booth has created a quiet, relaxed and professional environment with a theme that is VERY unique ( movie theatre ). We have noticed the way that he holds his staff to a high standard and his Dental Assistants to an even HIGHER one. He and his assistants are cautious and thoughtful during each procedure and that we have not noticed this in the past from other dental offices. Also it is a fun place to go! Their bedside manner is outstanding, like none I've experienced before. Will not disappoint!

    Roy Deaton
    2 years ago
    Great people, great Dentist but very expensive for an older person that might be on fixed income.

    Terry Meyer
    2 years ago
    I have been a patient of Dr. Booth for about six years. Of the half-dozen dentists I have seen in my lifetime, Dr. Booth is easily the best. He is calm, kind, and focused on his patient. Dr. Booth is dedicated to getting work done exactly right. Even teeth cleaning is better and easier than I have experienced before. The office is a welcoming place and his prices are reasonable.

    Mike Pain
    2 years ago
    Going to the dentist is a part of life. Do it right, you deserve the best. From my first visit I was treated like royalty, as if we had been best friends forever. Trish at the front is an absolutely amazing person.

    Ginger Tebbe
    2 years ago
    Wonderful DDS and staff. Always work with our crazy schedule (kids in college & kids in sports). Appointments always on time - clean & comfortable waiting room - extended ofc hours on Monday evenings.

    craig thigpen
    2 years ago
    Dr. Booth is personable, polite and professional.

    Randy R
    2 years ago
    I always appreciate Dr Booth's concern for my overall health! He gave me guidance about potential apnea. Thanks!

    Cindy Neugebauer
    2 years ago
    Knowledgeable, courteous, friendly and personal staff that make you comfortable during your visit. The office also provided me with cost and financial information prior to treatment.

    Cerina Robb
    2 years ago
    Always an incredible experience at my dentist... I actually look forward to going to the dentist now

    M. "Moe" G.
    2 years ago
    They have always done a spectacular job. I love how clean my teeth feel when I leave.

    Waco Tx2
    2 years ago
    If you call down to check and see if they take you in

    Derek W
    2 years ago
    Such excellent care and staff. Literally every person in the office from Dr Booth and below is customer focused and does an over the top job!!!! Been a customer for years and he is the best dentist I have ever had.

    2 years ago
    My previous dentist retired 3 years ago. I have been having a mouth full of dental pain and unfortunately due to infection had to have 3 molars emergency extracted. In 2 months, I visited 5 dentists before I found Silver Screen. I was quoted by the other dentist between $25k-$50k, 5-7 root canals,18-24 months to complete the work before they would even fit me for a partial denture. I was in a ton of pain, and depressed by the evaluations, so needless to say I felt pretty desperate and was planning to just get all my teeth extracted and get dentures! Dr. Booth listens to your concerns, but has the integrity and bedside manner to tell you his honest opinion even if it doesn't align with your view. I'm so grateful for him. Dr. Booth evaluated that I only needed 3 fillings and 2 crowns. That was all. He squeezed me in over the following 2 days and I walked out of his office pain free! I was saved from so much pain and so much time that I would have endured at the other dentists! I can't thank Dr. Booth enough. I also saved so much money from what I thought i was going to have to spend that I decided to splurge and have Silver Screen whiten my teeth. It is so nice to look forward to a dental appointment and to do something nice for my mouth after it has been through. Dr. Booth and his staff are very professional, experienced, and caring. His assistant, Linda, does an amazing job. She is the best assistant I've ever had! Every time Dr. Booth removes his tools from my mouth, she is right there cleaning it out. I never have to worry about swallowing anything that I shouldn't. They have high quality equipment and are able to safely remove amalgams. Dr. Booth has a lot of experience with dentures and partials. He is forward thinking when planning what is best for you. He will maintain your denture, so when your mouth changes, you don't have to be in discomfort. He can sort you right out! Trish and Vivian are also amazing. They are professional and knowledgable. It is just so refreshing going to an office where the staff have been together a long time and they all know what they are doing. When you go to the dentist, you really don't know what you are getting. Were they the top of their class or did they barely squeak by? Will the work they do last or will it leak leaving you in worse condition with infection and extractions. I'm just so pleased that I finally found a quality dentist. I highly recommend Silver Screen!

    Bobby Baze
    2 years ago
    I have to say this is the most pleasant experience I've ever had these people are great from the lady that greeted me at the door the doctor and all the staff are amazing they actually care about you I can't say enough about these people You would think that I've known these people for years that's how comfortable they made me feel everyone was so courteous I had a lot of work done and he gave me something for my pain and I thought I was gonna be in a lot of pain not the case I have not had any pain whatsoever it's hard to believe but it's true this guy is amazing thank you so much Bobby Baze

    Jackie Edwards
    2 years ago
    Excellent experience! Excellent service! From the scheduling process and throughout Dr. Booth and his team are so informative. Each time I have been to Silver Screen Dental ( and I have been a lot) I have had an excellent experience! Dr. Booth gives me any information I request regarding the procedure as well as talking me through the process. Highly recommend!

    Scott Bussy
    2 years ago
    Everyone went out of their way to make me feel welcomed. They got right down to work on my teeth and got me out of the chair right on time! Beautiful smiles--really sweet people.

    Deborah Schmidt
    2 years ago
    Who looks forward to going to the dentist? Me, me me! Silver screen has such a friendly, fun staff. Nora, one of their amazing hygienists is extremely personable & so gentle, Dr. Booth is very competent, professional & has a very chill "chair side" manner--all of these things and more make it a must enjoyable experience. Oh, & the movies! Thank you HAAM!

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