Plymouth Station Dental

Plymouth Station Dental - General dentist in Minneapolis, MN
16795 County Rd 24 UNIT 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
Opens today at 8:00am
Monday8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday8:00am - 12:00pm
Plymouth Station Dental - General dentist in Minneapolis, MN

Dr. Fitzsimmons goal is to provide comprehensive care to all patients in which he is dedicated in delivering through his joy of continuing education. A proud native of the Midwest, he stayed close to home attending the University of Minnesota for his undergraduate degree, followed by his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the U of M School of Dentistry. Dr. Fitzsimmons went on to graduate from the Pankey Institute where he attained the highest level of clinical training. In addition, he completed extensive training on implant placement and oral surgery procedures and is fulfilled that he can offer those services to patients of Plymouth Station Dental.

We at Plymouth Station Dental value everyones personal desires for dental health. Whether re-making your smile or restoring one tooth we will ensure that you will feel comfortable with your treatment decisions. I am amazed at our talented team who will treat you like family the minute you step into the office. We are looking forward to meeting you!. Carl Fitzsimmons DDS

Plymouth Station Dental - General dentist in Minneapolis, MN

Carla received her Dental Assisting Diploma from Hibbing Community College and is a native to Northern Minnesota. She spent the first 30 years of her career as a chairside Dental Assistant then later transitioned into the administrative side working in both General Practice as well as Oral Surgery. Carla wears many hats in the office assisting patients with financial arrangements, scheduling, marketing, and much more. Team members and patients find her a joy to be around as her cheery personality will instantly make you feel at home. Carla enjoys working with the team at Plymouth Station Dental due to the FUN atmosphere they create each day and takes great pride in the level of care they provide. Outside of her role in the practice she enjoys hiking, kayaking, snowshoeing as well as spending time with her family and friends!

Plymouth Station Dental - General dentist in Minneapolis, MN

Erin received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. A native to Minnesota, she spent the majority of her career practicing in North Carolina and Texas transitioning with her husband during his active duty in the military. She is excited to have her permanent home nestled in Maple Grove and the opportunity to serve the wonderful patients of Plymouth Station Dental. She thoroughly enjoys working with the entire team as well as the family-like atmosphere they create each day.

Plymouth Station Dental - General dentist in Minneapolis, MN

Elizabeth received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. She is an active member in the American Dental Hygiene Association and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest research when it comes to dentistry and oral health. Elizabeth enjoys serving the patients of Plymouth Station Dental and helping them reach their oral health goals. She is known for her calm and collective personality which puts patients at ease the moment they sit in her chair. Aside from her role as a Dental Hygienist, she is a lover of music, art and family time. She enjoys helping others share her passion in music through volunteering for several non-profit organizations.

Your smile does so much for you: It connects people across a room, brightens a gloomy day, and even boosts your immune system! Our General and Preventive dentistry is designed to keep your smile free of decay, disease and damage for a healthier smile, and as a bonus, a healthier you!

Dental exams and screenings allow us to look for developing signs of periodontal disease, TMJ, and even the earliest signs of tooth decay. We know that when a problem is caught early, it is much easier and less expensive to treat and has much less impact on your systemic health.

We always screen for oral cancer because it is one of the fastest growing of all cancers. The early symptoms can be very subtle and painless so you probably wont realize you have it until it becomes more advanced. Catching it early could save your life!

And to ensure that our screenings are the most accurate available, we have invested in the latest technology, such as digital x-rays and panographic x-ray equipment, to allow us to get a detailed overview of your entire mouth including your teeth, jawbone, sinuses and other parts of your head and neck.

Regular cleanings and yearly x-rays give us the opportunity to keep an eye on your overall dental health, monitor the condition of your teeth and gums, and allow us to identify any problems while they are small and easy to repair.

Recent studies have linked a variety of oral health issues to whole-body health issues. For example, periodontal disease has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease and strokes. If cavities are left uncared for they can cause abscesses, infections and loss of jawbone.

We use a variety of comfortable and highly effective tools to assist us in your dental cleaning. One of our most powerful tools is the ultrasonic scaler, which uses high frequency sound waves (instead of metal scrapers and hand scalers) to clean teeth. This method is not only amazingly gentle but has also been proven effective in removing tartar from both above and below the gum line. We use these ultrasonic scalers both for regular cleanings and for more advanced periodontal care.

Your gums are a very important part of your mouth. And keeping them healthy is vital to your entire bodys well-being. Thats why we offer gum & bone disease therapy to get your gums healthy and free of periodontal disease.

Pregnant women who have periodontal disease may be more likely to have a baby that is born too early and too small. Periodontal infection has been shown in several studies to have an adverse affect on glycemic control in people with diabetes.Gum disease has been directly linked to a higher risk for all kinds of cancers including blood cancers, lung cancers, pancreatic cancers, kidney cancers and tongue cancer.The risk for heart disease is doubled by periodontal disease because of increased levels of C-reactive protein, one of the known factors in cardiovascular diseases.Multiple studies show more and more links between gum health and whole body health.

If you already have an active gum infection, we can treat and heal your gums with a variety of new technologies, such as ultrasonic scalers to deep clean with sound waves for effective and gentle scaling and root planing. Powerful antibiotics, such as Arestin, kill bacteria under the gum line with microspheres that stay under the gums for up to 21 days.

Do your teeth seem shorter than they used to be? Are you developing cracks or chips in your teeth? Do you have pockets along your gum line that are not related to gum disease? You might grind or clench your teeth without ever realizing it! This damaging habit is also known as bruxism and can be caused by chronic stress or medical conditions. We can help with a comfortable mouth guard that stops bruxism and protects your teeth.

Bruxism is unconsciously clenching or grinding down with too much force when you wouldnt normally be chewing or biting anything, usually when you are sleeping, driving or working. While most people clench or grind primarily at night, you could be clenching any time of day, especially during times of increased stress.

Grinding your teeth can cause a wide variety of problems from wearing down or breaking your teeth, to jaw disorders and chronic headaches. If we see signs of bruxism or tooth grinding, we can fit you with a custom-made bruxism guard, night guard or occlusal splint to reduce the damage to your teeth from grinding or clenching and relieve your TMJ pain. The more you wear your appliance, the more you protect your teeth and the better you feel!

We know a lot of people who take their sports seriously and they play hard! Thats why we offer sports mouth guards to protect smiles from all kinds of injuries because no matter how good you are at your chosen game, accidents happen!

And if you have children, we also encourage you to choose dentist-made mouth guards for your children. No two mouths are shaped exactly a like. Thats why all the mouth guards created at Plymouth Station Dental are designed directly from dental impressions we take of your childs very own mouth structure. Over-the-counter, boil-and-bite mouth guards can never fit as securely or protect as thoroughly as custom-made mouth guards!

In fact, Edmond Hewlett, D.D.S., an ADA consumer advisor and associate professor at UCLAs School of Dentistry, says Injuries to the face from participating in a sport or other recreational activity can harm your childs teeth, lips, cheeks and tongue, but a properly fitted mouth guard can help protect your childs smile.

Our custom-made mouth guards cushion blows that might cause injuries to the lips, tongue, face or jaw and, in the worst case, broken teeth. Even more importantly, they might also reduce the severity and incidence of concussions.

Dentistry from Dr. Fitzsimmons and Plymouth Station Dental is focused on keeping your smile strong and healthy, preventing unforeseen pain or tooth breakage and minimizing your need for emergency treatment.

But we also know that no matter how careful you are with your smile, emergencies do sometimes happen. And when a dental emergency occurs, you can count on the office you know and trust to help you feel better.

Does your smile make you feel good? It should. Smiling is one of lifes greatest mood boosters.But everyday, we hear from people just like you who are embarrassed by the condition of their teeth. They hide their smiles or simply avoid smiling at all. Thats where Plymouth Station Dental cosmetic dentistry comes in. Whether stained or discolored, short or worn down, gapped or crooked, we offer cosmetic dental services to allow smiles to bloom. Helping people find their healthiest, most beautiful and vibrant smile is such a joy for us we feel it can actually increase the happiness levels in the world!

You drink coffee every morning, enjoy the health benefits of black tea and red wine and maybe eat something like a blue snow cone or red beets on occasion. You know that eating and drinking these things can stain and darken your teeth but giving them up is really not a choice you care to make. Plymouth Station Dental can help you enjoy eating and drinking what you like while still flashing a bright, white smile with our in-office whitening treatment or our professional, take-home teeth bleaching trays.

Our smile whitening can take your teeth from dull to dazzling in just one visit using Opalescence Boost (in-office) whitening. If you prefer to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, we offer professional take-home whitening trays that can give you a movie star smile in just a few days of wearing our comfortable trays.

Over-the-counter methods may work to some degree, but the results are unpredictable and slow to show. Why not treat yourself to the comfort and confidence of professional bleaching? Its a great way to prepare for any special occasion like a wedding or a big night out, but it is also a great confidence booster.

We will create custom molds to hold the special tooth whitening gel comfortably and securely against your teeth. Just pop them in your mouth to whiten in the car, in your office or while you are relaxing at home. In a few days, youll uncover the bright smile you always wanted!

Do you have some wear or cracking on your teeth, but you dont want the commitment of porcelain veneers? Do you have a chip or other damage that youd like to be repaired? Have you tried tooth whitening but your stubborn discolorations just wont go away? Are your teeth gapped a little and youd like a conservative way to fix that space? Cosmetic dental bonding is a great solution for these and many more cosmetic and restorative problems.

Because bonding is done by hand, directly on the tooth, you dont want just any dentist to apply your dental bonding.Dr. Fitzsimmonss artistic touch really becomes evident when he is bonding teeth. He starts with the best bonding materials available. With these materials, he sculpts and builds, layer by layer, a beautiful restoration. The layers are shaded and varied to duplicate the depth of color and the color gradations that occur in natural teeth, and to match the teeth around the tooth being repaired. Once the bonding is hardened and polished, your teeth will look perfectly natural, beautiful and better than ever before.

When your teeth dont look good, it can be difficult to smile. We have an amazing solution for less than perfect smiles: porcelain veneers. We offer two types of porcelain veneers full traditional veneers and minimal prep veneers. Depending on your case, either one of these dental veneer choices can get your smile looking and feeling great!

Traditional Porcelain Veneers Porcelain veneers are thin sheets of ceramic that bond directly to the front surfaces of the teeth. They are an ideal choice for improving your smile and have become increasingly popular due to their simplicity and versatility. Once they are bonded to your teeth, the ultra-thin porcelain veneers are virtually undetectable and highly resistant to coffee, tea or other staining agents. In both strength and appearance, their resemblance to healthy, white tooth enamel is unsurpassed by other restorative options.

Minimal-Prep Veneers We offer the newest way to whiten, straighten, close gaps and repair chips minimal-prep veneers! Minimal-prep veneers are porcelain veneers made from porcelain so strong and stain resistant that they can be made as thin as contact lenses and applied in a way that is completely non-invasive. They do not require removal of tooth structure and have been proven to last and last yet they are completely reversible.

Do you feel that there are so many things wrong with your smile that you dont know where to begin to have them corrected? Dr. Fitzsimmons and Plymouth Station Dental can help with a personalized dental smile makeover. Smile makeovers do much more than make a smile perfectly white and even. Using a combination of restorative and cosmetic techniques, we can balance, protect and perfect almost any smile.

We start by talking to you about your goals and expectations, and working together, we will discover what you need. Once your goals have been determined, we will create a plan to achieve the results you want.

You value your teeth and your health. Thats why you take such good care of them. But sometimes, things dont go as expected and you get a cavity, a tooth is damaged, or even lost. What then? As our patient with us, you can be sure that all of your options will be thoroughly explained so you can make the choice that is right for you. We offer a full range of restorative treatments for any situation.

No one likes being told they have a cavity. But if you do have one, or if an old filling has failed or broken, we have a great solution to repair and restore your smile for better health and improved aesthetics tooth colored composite fillings.

Tooth colored fillings, sometimes called white fillings, are actually a very hard plastic that bonds (micromechanically fuses) to the tooth, sealing and holding the tooth together. These fillings blend beautifully in your smile and because we use the latest and best composite bonding materials, they have amazing restorative and staying power.

Metal fillings will expand when exposed to cold, such as ice cream or an iced drink, and contract when exposed to heat, such as soup or coffee. This movement of expanding and contracting can weaken the tooth walls and eventually lead to factures or breaks. It can also create a space between the tooth wall and the filling, allowing bacteria to get in under an existing filling and cause decay that your dentist cant see.

Crowns, also called caps, are custom-made restorations that comfortably and securely cover and repair teeth that have fractured, have large cavities or old fillings that have failed, or have had root canal therapy. Our dental crowns can also effectively anchor a dental bridge for natural beauty and comfort. Because our crowns are so beautiful and disappear in your smile, they can also be used for cosmetic purposes, enhancing the appearance of a tooth that is discolored or misshapen.

Porcelain inlays and onlays are a great choice for restoration and repair of cavities or smaller areas of damage when a crown is not necessary. Beautiful and durable, they are formed to fit and fill most types of cavities and are almost impossible to distinguish from the natural tooth.

We have an outstanding reputation for the natural appearance and lasting quality of our dental restorations. Call us today and discover for yourself what we can do to bring your teeth back to optimum health and strength.

Missing teeth have an impact on more than your appearance. The truth is, missing teeth can have psychological, social and physical effects and even missing one tooth can have a major impact on a persons life. Plymouth Station Dental can help with our precision-fitted dentures and dental bridges. These tooth replacement options are truly beautiful and very comfortable.

If you are missing one or two teeth and are not a candidate for dental implants, Dr. Fitzsimmons often recommends a dental bridge. A bridge consists of two crowns attaching a false tooth to the teeth on either side. Our bridges are fixed, so they stay in place and feel secure. Patients say these bridges are so comfortable, they sometimes forget they are there!

Dentures from Plymouth Station Dental are especially designed by Dr. Fitzsimmons to look as good as they feel, with multiple layers of colors and varying degrees of translucency to mimic the natural layers of the tooth. Once the appearance of your dentures has been decided, we carefully fit the dentures for a custom fit.

Missing teeth can age you, make you feel uncomfortable and negatively affect your oral health. But sometimes the replacement choices arent ideal improperly fitted bridges or dentures can look unnatural and feel uncomfortable. Even patients who have used a bridge or denture can become tired of the maintenance required, or the discomfort and limitation these appliances place on eating. If you want the freedom, security and beauty of a natural tooth, it might be time to choose dental implants!

Some patients come to us with major difficulties with their oral health. Their teeth have broken down or have been lost. Their mouths are unbalanced and uncomfortable. They might have gum disease or teeth that need root canals to clear away infection. They have trouble eating, smiling and living life with confidence and vigor. Thats when we recommend a full mouth restoration.

Every full mouth restoration is unique. And though we call full mouth restorations by one name, they really are a collection of procedures, planned and designed together to bring your smile back to fully balanced function and beauty.

Full mouth restoration dentistry involves restoring the teeth, bite, and muscles to a natural looking and youthful feeling condition, to improve self-esteem and enhance appearance and can combine any of these treatments:

The processes and the results of the restorations are as individual as our patients. But we can say this: A full mouth restoration from Plymouth Station Dental will help your smile look and feel young and healthy again!

Everyone is so busy these days. Wouldnt it be nice to get something done quickly, conveniently, and pleasantly? We thought so! Thats why we have invested in the advanced technology of CEREC. With CEREC, we can take highly accurate digital impressions and custom design and create your restoration or plan your orthodontic treatment in one, much more comfortable visit. No gooey impression material, no molds to bite down on, no gagging or unpleasant taste!

CEREC technology is pretty amazing. It starts with pin-sharp digital impressions. Since they require no mold material, they are not only more accurate, making our dentists lives easier, they are more comfortable as well. And our patients certainly love that!

Patients love these braces for their convenience and the fact that they are virtually invisible. Now you can love them even more! CEREC digital impressions free you of the need for a mouthful of goo, and give flawless impressions that can be digitally managed and stored on a computer instead of in a box.

At PSD, we offer custom advanced solutions to help improve your overall health. We can help ease syptoms such as sleep deprivation, headaches, neck pain and other problems associated with mouth health. None of our treatments require surgery and our patients tell us that the relief from pain is life changing! Call us to end the pain today!

Dont Let Your Nights Ruin Your Days! Lots of people snorebut if your snoring includes gasping, choking, and the cessation of breath, you might be dealing with something much more grim than snoring you may be struggling with sleep apnea.

According to the the World Sleep Days website, Officially, about 4 percent of men and 2 percent of women in the United States have sleep apnea, but research shows that many more people are living with it. One estimate put numbers at 24 percent in men and 9 percent in women; another said nearly 14 percent of adults have the disorder.

The real problem is that sleep apnea is dangerous! Worse than the noise is the fact that breathing stops over and over throughout the night sometimes hundreds of times a night. The lack of oxygen causes the brain to initiate a muscle spasm to reopen the airway, which then wakes you up. With sleep apnea, you get the awful combination of oxygen deprivation and sleep deprivation.

We can help! If you feel that you might have, or if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, please talk to us. We can work with a sleep center or your primary physician to help you get the treatment you need. If you cant tolerate a CPAP machine, the most common device for treatment of sleep apnea, our oral sleep apnea appliances might be just the thing you have been looking for. Talk to us today!

You woke with a headache again, squinted your way to the bathroom and popped a few aspirins. You know they wont really help relieve the pounding in your head, the ache in your jaw and the stiffness in your neck, but you have to try something. How else will you get through yet another day of pain? If this sound sfamiliar, you may be dealing with TMJ disorder, a common disease afflicting millions of Americans.

Often TMJ disorder or TMD originates with a bad bite or a lack of harmony in the way your teeth come together. It can be a result of an accident or other trauma, stress, clenching, or even poorly balanced dental work.

This process starts with a specially made bite appliance to relax your muscles and create an artificially perfect bite. Once your bite has relaxed into the proper position, we will use a variety of methods to keep your jaw comfortable, relaxed and in the ideal position.


Rating 4.7 out of 5 based on 39 reviews

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Russell Peterson
2 years ago
By far, the best experience I've ever had in dentistry.

15 89
2 years ago
After an off putting first impression at a different dental office, I chose to try Plymouth Station Dental. I was relieved to find they had a welcoming staff who were understanding about anxieties that come with dental visits, especially ones during a pandemic. The receptionist was patient and reassured me of the steps their office was taking to prevent the spread of Covid. She answered questions I had about services they provided. The dentist and the rest of the staff were kind as well and they all gave me a nice welcoming first impression of their team. They were professional and had good customer service. I recommend them for anyone. Needless to say, this will be my choice dental group here in MN.

15 89
3 years ago
After an off putting first impression at a different dental office, I chose to try Plymouth Station Dental. I was relieved to find they had a welcoming staff who were understanding about anxieties that come with dental visits, especially ones during a pandemic. The receptionist was patient and reassured me of the steps their office was taking to prevent the spread of Covid. She answered questions I had about services they provided. The dentist and the rest of the staff were kind as well and they all gave me a nice welcoming first impression of their team. They were professional and had good customer service. I recommend them for anyone. Needless to say, this will be my choice dental group here in MN.

Russell Peterson
3 years ago
By far, the best experience I've ever had in dentistry.

Richard Lash
3 years ago
Professional staff, excellent dental care!!

Hannah Braun
3 years ago
Always such kind people and probably the fastest and most efficient

shawn longacre
3 years ago
Good care good people

Catherine Aebly
3 years ago
You will never find a more caring dental office. Carla the receptionist is the best always helping with insurance and any other questions you might have. Dr. Carl is great also and a gentle dentist who is honest and cares about you. It is a long drive for me but worth it. I would never go anywhere else! I just heard Carla is retiring. Best wishes to Carla and thank you for all the help you have given me and my husband thru the years!

Kyle Hatlestad
3 years ago
Have been going to Plymouth Station Dental since they opened up. Always been happy with my visits there.

Josiah Ellingson
4 years ago
Caring and information rich employees and even remembered my name when I came back for a filling. Great place overall!

Kyle Hatlestad
4 years ago
Have been going to Plymouth Station Dental since they opened up. Always been happy with my visits there.

Richard Lash
4 years ago
Professional staff, excellent dental care!!

Catherine Aebly
4 years ago
You will never find a more caring dental office. Carla the receptionist is the best always helping with insurance and any other questions you might have. Dr. Carl is great also and a gentle dentist who is honest and cares about you. It is a long drive for me but worth it. I would never go anywhere else! I just heard Carla is retiring. Best wishes to Carla and thank you for all the help you have given me and my husband thru the years!

shawn longacre
4 years ago
Good care good people

Naomi Bretz
4 years ago
I have been going here since 2005. Everyone is friendly and they do a great job of cleaning and taking care of my teeth. They do a thorough exam.

Steve Terry
4 years ago
I have gone to see Dr. Carl Fitzsimmons for years. He and his staff are top notch and my teeth thank them! Truly cannot recommend a place more than I would Plymouth Station Dental.

Hannah Braun
4 years ago
Always such kind people and probably the fastest and most efficient

Daniela Dean
4 years ago
Very welcoming and competent staff.

Lili Korbuly-Johnson
4 years ago
Erin was fantastic to work with. She asked great questions, was very caring, a great conversationalist, and very knowledgeable. Dr. Fitzsimmons is always very friendly and easy to relate to and makes sure I know how my teeth are doing :-)

Karen McDonough
4 years ago
I have finally found the perfect Dental office for me - Plymouth Station Dental! The staff are all so helpful, cheerful and professional. It is so refreshing to walk into an office where the staff are happy to be working and happy to assist each other when needed. I appreciate how you and your staff take the time to educate me on my oral health and discuss options which had never been offered to me at other practices. Thank you Dr. Fitzsimmons for taking excellent care of your team and your patients!

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