Mukilteo Dental Arts

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA
11811 Mukilteo Speedway #102, Mukilteo, WA 98275
Closes at 4:00pm
Monday8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday8:30am - 4:00pm
Wednesday8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday8:00am - 4:00pm

If youve experienced in-flight tooth pain when traveling, youre not alone. Our oral surgeons understand this phenomenon quite well. We explain why this happens and how you can prevent it in the future.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

Just about everyone has experienced the popping sensation in their ears as their flight takes off. This occurs due to the change in cabin pressure. The same popping sensation can also manifest in your tooth.

An infected or decayed tooth is especially prone to in-flight pain since the tooth may contain tiny pockets of air. You may not notice anything wrong at ground level. However, once your elevation increases significantly, the pressure change causes you to experience distressing symptoms.

Obviously, your family dentist cant accompany you on your flight. The next best solution is to visit your dentist regularly, and if you suspect theres a problem when you have a trip planned, see a dentist before you leave. This way, decay, a pulp infection, or other problems that may lead to in-flight tooth pain can be detected and repaired.

If pain does occur, taking Ibuprofen or aspirin may provide enough relief to last you through the flight. In addition, drink plenty of water, ice the region, and eat only soft foods. If pain persists even after you land, see a dentist before you return if possible.

A lot of concerned parents in Everett wonder whether fluoride is safe for toddlers. This is especially the case considering recent news that fluoride exposure causes long-term health problems. Do children at such a young age need fluoride when they havent even learned how to brush yet?

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

The American Dental Association recommends that parents brush their childrens teeth starting from one year of age. The ADA also said parents can use a smear of fluoride toothpaste as soon as their childs teeth begin to show.

The ADAs recommendation arose as a result of recent findings by the Center for Disease Control. Research showed an increase of cavities among preschoolers who arent exposed to fluoride. In some of the more severe cases, children had cavities in more than half their baby teeth.

While fluoride is good for kids and adults alike, too much can also lead to fluorosis. This condition causes tooth discoloration. Studies also show a slight correlation between fluoride and ADHD in children.

Various factors come into play. Does water from your faucet contain fluoride? You may have to contact your city or local water company to find out. Also, does your child regularly consume sugary snacks? If so, he or she may require more fluoride. Ultimately, your family dentist can help you determine the ideal intake.

With the beginning of a new year also comes another season of shiver-inducing winter. You especially have to be careful of your oral health during this time of year because the cold weather may leave you susceptible to common dental problems. Follow these winter dental tips to protect your teeth from frigid temperatures in and around Everett.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

Most people are familiar with the daily recommendation of drinking eight glasses of water a day. This isnt just good for the body; its also good for the teeth and gums because it keeps the mouth moist. Saliva is more prone to dry up during cold temperatures, thus creating a buildup of bacteria. Stay hydrated by drinking water rather than drinks high in sugar.

If its cold enough outside for you to see your breath, limit time spent outdoors. A sudden drop in temperature can cause the teeth to expand and contract, thus elevating the risk of a surface hairline fracture. When you are outside, dress warmly and consider wearing a scarf over your face to trap heat near your mouth.

If you have sensitive teeth, cold weather can make this condition worse. If youre feeling any form of pain or irritation when you brush, our oral surgeons recommend using toothpaste for sensitive teeth and a toothbrush with soft bristles.

Pay attention to any uncomfortable sensations in your mouth in response to the cold weather. If you notice discomfort, contact us at Mukilteo Dental Arts. Our highly experienced team of family dentists and endodontists can provide necessary care and recommend further winter dental tips to keep your teeth healthy in Everett.

Gum disease typically begins in areas between the teeth. This is why flossing is so important. This naturally leads to the next question: Should you use traditional floss or a floss pick? Is one superior over the other, or is it a matter of personal preference?

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

Some family dentists argue that traditional floss is better. Since a floss pick has a very short string, that same segment is used over and over. This means bacteria removed from one section of the teeth can be transferred to another area. With traditional floss, you have several inches of string to work with. Of course, this drawback of floss picks can be remedied by using multiple picks per sitting. However, if youre flossing every day (as you should be doing), the cost can add up.

While floss picks have their shortcomings, theyre not without their perks. For one thing, many people prefer them over traditional floss simply because theyre easier to use. Its also easier to reach the back of the mouth with picks. Many oral surgeons, in fact, have advised patients to switch over to floss picks since the ease of use may encourage them to make flossing a daily habit.

We know kids dont always like to brush. The process for them is a chore, much like eating their vegetables. This is why we recommend some dental-related gifts for children this Christmas. These gifts make great stocking stuffers and motivate our young ones to brush.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

For a child, a new toothbrush is like getting a package of tube socks. However, childrens toothbrushes come in endless varieties. Consider Marvel-themed toothbrushes or Disney-themed toothbrushes; boys and girls like both kinds. Some of these are battery-operated and vibrate, making brushing more fun, and perhaps more like moms or dads toothbrush.

Instead of the traditional mint-flavored toothpaste, consider toothpaste with child-friendly flavors. Some of these include fruity, cupcake, and even bacon-flavored paste. Whatever flavor or brand you choose, be sure it has the ADA seal of approval.

Our oral surgeons recommend picture books that teach children about dental hygiene. Just go to Amazon and enter keywords like dental books for kids. Most are suitable for children at a first to second-grade reading level. Some of these also make great bedtime stories right after they brush. There are also a wide variety of toys which include dental playsets or teddy bears with smiling teeth that kids can clean with a giant brush, and competitive board games like Crocodile Dentist.

Even with the busy holidays, squeeze in time for a visit to Mukilteo Dental Arts. Our family dentists and endodontistswork with adults and kids alike. We stress the importance of proper dental hygiene; dont let inconvenience be an excuse.Contactus today!

You cant help but groan when you notice a canker sore appearing on the inside of your lip or gums. These ulcers are painful and take the joy out of eating. Brushing also becomes a nightmare. A number of factors influence the formation of canker sores. Your dental hygiene habits might be one of them.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

Canker sore formation may also be due to your dental habits. Brushing too hard with a hard-thistle brush, for example, can leave an abrasion that evolves into a sore. This is one of reasons many oral surgeons recommend light brushing. Another reason not to brush too hard is because it erodes enamel.

Canker sores normally heal on their own within a week or two. Until then, though, its going to be painful. Luckily, there are a few remedies that provide temporary relief. For example, you can buy over-the-counter anesthetic gels. These are not unlike the ones used by dentists.

You can also make your own DIY gel by mixing olive, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil. The mix has a cooling property that numbs the pain. It also contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Contact us at Mukilteo Dental Arts today. Our family dentists may be able to pinpoint the root cause behind your canker sores. Our team knows how unpleasant a canker sore can be, and healthy dental habits may be key to preventing their development.

We understand why some people gravitate toward oral piercings. Its the sign of a rebel, as well as a fashionable way to be different. However, such fashion statements also pose serious dental risks. Well explain the potential dangers and risks of tongue piercing in Mukilteo. Find out why our family dentists dont recommend them.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

In one study, 6% of people with a tongue piercing experienced some sort of dental problem. This may seem like a fairly low percentage, but the risk is still very real. Risks include bleeding, nerve damage, and permanent scarring. Oral surgeons also warn that it can elevate risk of periodontal disease. In rare cases, the tongue and the floor of the mouth may become infected, requiring intravenous antibiotics.

A tongue barbell is solid metal. As you move your tongue around, it can ram against your teeth, causing them to chip. One study found that half of people with a tongue piercing exhibited tooth damage within four years. The damage was especially prevalent in the back teeth.

Due to the risks we just described, we dont recommend oral piercings of any kind. If you want to improve your oral appearance, our cosmetic dentists provide a number of aesthetic treatments. You can make a fashion statement in other ways that dont put your oral health at risk.

Do you have an existing piercing? Do you suspect it may be the cause of an infection or damaged tooth? Come by Mukilteo Dental Arts for one of our dentists to have a look. The risks of tongue piercings make them a no-no in our expert opinion. Contact us today with all your dental questions; we also specialize in endodontics.

Flossing is vital for long-term oral health; thats a given. However, many people find flossing a burdensome task; hence 20% of Americans never floss. For those with braces, flossing is even more of a perceived hassle. Well explain how to floss with braces efficiently in Mukilteo. Yes, you may not feel like doing it, but you know its a daily necessityas much as brushing.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

Before you begin, choose the right type of floss. We advise sticking with wax-coated floss. The unwaxed variety is more thread-like and prone to getting caught in the wiring. You can also use a floss threader; this is an easy-to-use tool that simplifies flossing around the braces. You may also elect to invest in a water flosser to make the process even easier.

See your family dentist if you or a child have braces of any kind. Our friendly endodontists work with adults and kids alike. Mukilteo Dental Arts stresses the importance of proper flossing with braces; dont let inconvenience be an excuse. Contact us today!

Because both kids and adults are able to spend so much time pursuing outdoor activities during the summer, dentists see more patients for a chipped tooth. If this happens to you or someone in your family, heres how to respond right away to minimize long-term damage.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

The procedure varies depending on the severity of the injury. If the damage is minor, the chipped tooth can simply be filed and polished. If damage to the enamel incurred, youll need a filling or crown. If one of the front teeth has been chipped, you may be referred to a cosmetic dentist for a porcelain veneer to mask the visible chipping. If the chip exposes the nerve an endodontist will need to be brought in to perform a root canal.

Have you heard of people using homemade clay toothpaste instead of store-bought in Mukilteo? More and more people are making their own toothpaste. What do dentists think? Our family dentists have evaluated it and believe it does have an acceptable place in a dental hygiene routine.

Bentonite clay is a staple ingredient in most homemade toothpastes; heres why. Bentonite is volcanic ash. This ash is rich in natural minerals, such as silica, calcium, and magnesium. Its also known for drawing toxins out of the mouth because its alkaline.

Bentonite is a swelling clay; it turns into a porous sponge when mixed with water. Additionally, the clay/water mixture becomes electrically charged and draws toxins and other impurities into its sponge-like surface.

Since clay toothpaste lacks fluoride, our oral surgeons recommend switching between clay and regular toothpaste every few weeks. Visit Mukilteo Dental Arts for regular exams. Our endodontists take care of issues ranging from root canals to a chipped tooth. Experiment with clay toothpaste recipes; there are various recipes you can try. There are also a variety of tooth powders you can order online. Contact us today to schedule your next routine exam!

You might have heard of using a saltwater mouth rinse as a homemade remedy for treating a variety of maladies in the past, but does salt really have healing properties? Does it work better or differently than a normal mouthwash? Heres what our family dentists have to say about it.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

Salt doesnt kill bacteria directly. Instead, it increases the pH balance inside your mouth. This results in a more alkaline environment, making it harder for bacteria to survive. Germs tend to thrive in an acidic environment.

Just add half a teaspoon of salt to one cup of warm water. Swish the contents in your mouth for 10 to 15 seconds and spit out. Unless specified by your dentist, we dont recommend rinsing with saltwater more than four times a week. Too much sodium exposure can harm tooth enamel.

Do your gums bleed when you brush? Because our mouths are full of bacteria (both good and bad), its important to know what can happen when bad bacteria comes in contact with blood in your mouth. The bad bacteria can affect your well-being beyond your oral health. Its called jailbreak bacteria, because it escapes your mouth and relocates to other areas of your body.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

This bad bacteria is known as streptococcus bacteria; it causes periodontal disease. When it enters the bloodstream it binds together with a protein in the blood, eventually creating a clot-inducing clump. This also leads to inflamed blood vessels, that in turn block blood flow to the heart and brain. Sounds deadly, right?

The first line of defense is what youve been hearing from your family dentist for yearsbrush and floss well and regularly. Endodontists and family dentists recommend frequent exams as well. These preventive measures will keep you from having to undergo costlier oral surgeries down the road.

Who wouldve thought bleeding gums could lead to life threatening blood clots? Apparently, the separate components of the body are more interconnected to one another than we know. Poor oral health means greater likelihood of disease elsewhere. Contact us today atMukilteo Dental Arts if youve noticed bleeding gums in Edmonds. We also offer cosmetic dentistry.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

There is no time like the present to get back on track with dental health. At Mukilteo Dental Arts you will find exceptional quality, affordable rates, and compassionate and committed staff. For abasic checkup, cleaning, or even a cosmetic procedure, contact us today to schedule!

Oral surgeons urge caution when eating with missing teeth in Lynnwood. The problem goes far beyond getting food stuck in your teeth, or not being able to eat your favorite foods. Its important for all-around good health to get these gaps filled in with dental implants or dentures. You might be surprised at the seriousness of improper chewing!

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

When you eat with missing teeth, your jaw and gums have to work harder. This causes soreness and is likely to lead to more serious issues. Weakened bones, infected gums, and temporomandibular joint dysfunction are potential problems.

Eating with missing teeth means youre more likely to swallow food before its broken down adequately. You also secrete less saliva, which contains essential digestive enzymes. Your digestive tract must work harder, and your body isnt able to extract as many nutrients. And now the food remains in the colon for a longer period of time, which causes gas, bloating, and lethargy.

Not all types of sugars are bad for your teeth. With the holiday season in full swring, consider using teeth-safe sugars. These make great alternative ingredients for that homemade pumpkin pie or cranberry sauce. They also receive the nod of approval from your family dentist.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

There are lots of different types of sugars. At least two of these are safe for teeth. Unfortunately, the sugar found in 95% of foods are of the varieties that cause tooth decay. A study published in the Washington Post in 2015 analyzed 28 natural sugars and seven artificial sweeteners. The study showed that the most common types of sugar, table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and brown sugar, all cause tooth decay. Oral surgeons warn against any processed foods which are high in these sugars.

The two good sugars which the study deemed to be healthy for teeth are xylitol and erythritol. Xylitol is made from birch trees and corn cobs. Not only is it safe, its actually healthy since it promotes enamel remineralization. Erythritol is also safe because bacteria in the mouth cannot metabolize it. Erythritol sweeteners bake in a way nearly identical to sugar. This sweetener shouldnt be eaten in large amounts since it has no nutritional value.

Parents of teens know just how conscious their children are of their appearance. Were often asked if teeth whitening and cosmetic dentistryis suitable for teens in Everett. The answer is yes; with the right treatment, teens, and everyone, can enjoy a whiter smile in a relatively short time. Teeth whitening can be both safe and satisfying.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

AtMukilteo Dental Arts teeth whitening is a common procedure for teens. We often do this right before the start of school or before a school dance. However, we encourage parents to educate their children. Be sure they know that white teeth do not equal healthy teeth.

Teens have a notorious tendency to binge on sugary snacks. This can lead to cavities and expensive oral surgeries down the road. We dont recommend policing everything they eat because they are learning to make their own decisions. Still, its important for them to learn the principles of moderation and common sense regarding sugary foods.

Teenagers tend to follow the crowd when it comes to the latest trends. When a friend or classmate shows up to school flaunting a freshly whitened smile, its likely your child will soon be coming to you asking for a teeth whitening kit. As these types of at-home whitening products become more available, its important to understand the risks and possible side effects of applying teeth whitening products to a developing smile.

A new DIY teeth whitening method is trending among younger folks. Some people are using activated charcoal as a way of producing pearly whites. Is this method safe? Find out what our cosmetic dentists have to say about activated charcoal as a teeth whitener in Mukilteo.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

Activated charcoal isnt a whole lot different from the charcoal used to fire up your grill. Charcoal, however, is porous, which allows it to absorb and trap certain chemicals. Charcoal in this form has various medicinal uses, such as lowering cholesterol and treating intestinal gas.

To use this type of charcoal to whiten teeth, you apply it directly on the teeth where it binds with the surface. When you remove the charcoal, some of the plaque and other teeth-staining particles come off with it. Charcoal is effective for removing minor stains and grittiness on the teeth. But it doesnt create the level of whiteness you can achieve from professional bleaching.

Activated charcoal is available in tablet form, which you can grind into a fine powder. Mixed with water the powder creates a sticky paste that you apply over your teeth for about three minutes. Most people use a toothbrush to apply the charcoal paste. However, some also dab the paste to the teeth using a cotton swab.

Activated charcoal is harmless when ingested. Its a whole other matter, however, when applied to the teeth. Charcoal is abrasive, which can damage enamel. Our family dentists specifically recommend against using charcoal if you have any existing cuts or abrasions on your gums or elsewhere inside your mouth.

Eating doesnt always make your teeth dirtier. In fact, some foods actually make them cleaner. In family dental circles, we refer to these edibles as detergent foods. Well list some of these foods for you to add to your daily diet in Mill Creek.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

As you can see, most of the foods on the list are of the firm and crunchy type. They act like bristles that scrub your teeth while youre chewing. We also listed dairy because it contains bone-strengthening calcium. In addition, dairy neutralizes acidic buildup that occurs in the mouth after eating sugar, grains, and processed foods.

As for dark chocolate, cocoa contains an antioxidant known as tannin, which gives the chocolate its dark pigment. Tannin also provides a coating that prevents bacteria from clinging to the teeth. Dark Chocolate, however, is also a teeth stainer. Our cosmetic dentists recommend no more than one serving a day.

Seeing a family dentist usually starts with a periodontal exam to assess your teeth and gum health. This involves a dentist poking and prodding your gums while reading off some numbers to the dental assistant. Many patients later ask what those numbers in a periodontal exam mean.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

The numbers the dentist or hygienist reads aloud indicate the state of health of the bone and gums around each tooth. Each tooth has six areas the examiner measures and assigns a number. The numbers range from zero to seven, and sometimes higher. Essentially, the numbers refer to the size of a gum pocket, or the gap between the gum tissue and the tooth. A higher number indicates a larger gap. Large gum pockets are bad because they leave the tooth surface vulnerable to tartar buildup.

This indicates a slightly larger gum pocket. This can be due to gum inflammation. It may also be due to early signs of periodontal disease or bone loss around a tooth. A deep cleaning may be required.

We cant overstress the importance of a regular periodontal exam. Contact Mukilteo Dental Arts to schedule your next checkup. We have the wonderful team of general dentists and endodontists. Well take care of you if a periodontal exam yields high numbers that require further treatment. Contact us today!

At some point, your children may ask if they can get their teeth bleached. Kids are especially conscious of their appearance by the time they reach adolescence. Is cosmetic dentistry for children suitable, though? This is a question we dentists get asked all the time in Lynnwood.

Mukilteo Dental Arts - General dentist in Mukilteo, WA

Teeth whitening is the most common form of cosmetic dentistry and is also fairly harmless for minors. We usually use a lower amount of bleaching solution to reduce chances of gum irritation. Teeth bleaching for children can be beneficial since it often boosts their self-confidence.

We may recommend veneers if your childs tooth has been chipped or damaged in an accident. Originally, veneers werent recommended for minors since the installation required filing away a bit of the enamel. However, the process is more commonplace nowadays thanks to improved technology.

Keep in mind, though, that veneers are just an aesthetic covering. The application should be supplemented by further treatment if there are clear signs of damage to the tooth, the root, or surrounding gums.

Once again, inform your child that the presence of a veneer does not mean the tooth is all of a sudden in tip-top shape. The same care is required for that tooth as it is for the rest of your childs teeth.


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Chris Engelbracht
2 years ago
The best! Thanks!

Dan M
2 years ago
Dr An is a good man and a great professional! Team staff are also very nice and helpful. Thank you.

Young Lee (saenggaghaneun saram)
2 years ago
(Translated by Google) The doctor is Korean, and he treats me very well. The skill level is completely art.^^ (Original) yisa seonsaengnimi hangug bunisinde, neomu jalhae jusibnida. gisul sujuni wanjeonhi yesulibnida.^^

Aris Della Vittoria
2 years ago
Great experience, Welcoming and answering all my questions , honest prices too .

Jennifer Heejae Kim
2 years ago
My family has been seeing Dr.An for the past 14 years and he is the best doctor we could ask for. He's always very welcoming and is there to answer any questions & concerns. Strongly recommend for anyone looking for a good dentist in Mukilteo area.

Jessie Traslavina
2 years ago
Highly recommend Dr. An.

ron calabrese
2 years ago
Mark is an excellent dentist. I find him honest and trustworthy and genuinely concerned about your health.

Jennifer Heejae Kim
3 years ago
My family has been seeing Dr.An for the past 14 years and he is the best doctor we could ask for. He's always very welcoming and is there to answer any questions & concerns. Strongly recommend for anyone looking for a good dentist in Mukilteo area.

Aris Della Vittoria
3 years ago
Great experience, Welcoming and answering all my questions , honest prices too .

ron calabrese
3 years ago
Mark is an excellent dentist. I find him honest and trustworthy and genuinely concerned about your health.

Jessie Traslavina
3 years ago
Highly recommend Dr. An.

Ja Young Hwang
5 years ago
I strongly recommend Mukilteo Dental Art to all of my friends and family.

Ja Young Hwang
5 years ago
I strongly recommend Mukilteo Dental Art to all of my friends and family.

Debbie Mcpherson
6 years ago
I had a broken tooth and didn't know what to do, Dr. An worked out a positive solution for me and I will definitely go there again. The tooth looks perfect. Thank you Dr. An!

Daniel O
6 years ago
the guy is a professional, proficient at his job. got an extraction today in under ten minutes.

Daniel O
7 years ago
the guy is a professional, proficient at his job. got an extraction today in under ten minutes.

Debbie Mcpherson
7 years ago
I had a broken tooth and didn't know what to do, Dr. An worked out a positive solution for me and I will definitely go there again. The tooth looks perfect. Thank you Dr. An!

Diane Vorhees
7 years ago
I always feel a little like royalty when I go see Dr. An. He's always so welcoming and nice, and even though he has a beautiful, state-of-the art office, I've found his dental practice in Mukilteo to be significantly more affordable than others. Further, while I have good dental insurance, I appreciate that he doesn't try to sell me dental services I don't really need. He believes in 'conservative dentistry', and has told me that many of the patients he sees who've had more extensive dental work done in the past are the ones who are generally in less good overall dental health. Less is better, he says, and if you don't really need the dental work, don't have it done. His office staff is very friendly and professional, the office is very clean and orderly, and Dr. An is very hands-on - doing himself what many other dentists would have a staff member do. I've recommended him to friends, who always thank me later for letting them know about Mukilteo Dental Arts. Keep up the great work, Dr. An!

Bruce Gandal
7 years ago
I am extremely happy with my decision to try Mukilteo Dental Arts. A friend recommended I try Dr. An, after I explained how unsatisfied I was at my previous dentist. I was ready for a change after experiencing dishonest business practices and questionable dental procedures at my previous dentist of 15 years. I am thrilled that I made the change! As far as Mukilteo dentists go, no, as far as dentists in the North Sound area go, Dr. An is one of the best. I am treated with respect. Dr. An answers my questions, takes his time with my care, and patiently explains what is necessary, and, more importantly, what is NOT necessary. I am treated with honesty and professionalism from the minute I walk in the door. I can't recommend Mukilteo Dental Arts highly enough. Give it a try. You won't be sorry!

Jun Park
7 years ago
Dr. An is a great dentist. His cleanings are very thorough and gave me frequent breaks to catch my breath. His assistants are friendly and the x-rays here are a bit more comfortable than the other offices that I've been to. I also had to get one of my wisdom tooth extracted due to a huge decay. Dr. An made sure that I understood why I all of a sudden needed an extraction. Overall, this is a great office and I highly recommend anyone who is looking for a new dentist to see Dr. An.

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