Miles For Smiles

219 Bryant St, Buffalo, NY 14222

Justin was born on October 22, 1987 with a genetic birth defect of 'Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate.' Justin 's family sat in the hospital viewing before and after children 's pictures of procedure repairs born with this defect. A Korean boy, age 5, had teeth and No repair. He was then adopted and obtained the care by Dr. Robert J. Perry. It was then Justin 's family selected Dr. Perry to help Justin, and the bond with Justin and Dr. Perry Began.

Miles For Smiles - General dentist in Buffalo, NYMiles For Smiles - General dentist in Buffalo, NYMiles For Smiles - General dentist in Buffalo, NY

Justin's first surgery was at three months for closure of his lip. Speech therapy began at nine months of age, until ten years old. At one year old, Justin underwent surgery to connect most of his palate. At seven, a bone graft was performed to remove bone marrow from his pelvis to join segments of his upper jaw, which enabled correction for his teeth and remaining closure of his palate. Justin had multiple insertions of tubes in his ears also throughout these major surgeries. This year, Justin was flying home from his new residence in Florida for Dr. Perry to perform his final and long awaited surgery on June 4, 2013. Dr. Perry's surgery was to open the left side of Justin's nasal passage so he could breath without constriction, which required the shaving of the bone on his nose and reconstruction of his airways. Justin was beyond excited to finally undergo the final stage of his journey, but sadly passed away suddenly, just a week before his long awaited day.

We pray that Justin knows that to us all, he is 'Just Perfect'-(JP) with or without this surgery. Justin you have truly inspired us all, and we love and miss YOU dearly! We will help others become all you became in your young 25 years. XOXOXOXO Rest in Peace JP.

Proceeds: Please donate on behalf of Justin to Miles for Smiles: Miles for Smiles Mission is to improve the quality of life for patients with special needs and craniofacial anomalies through fundraising for education and support

Find the best dentist in: New York / Erie County / Buffalo / 14222