Madison Yolanda A DDS

5780 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60659


Rating 4.4 out of 5 based on 14 reviews

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L Drewes
3 years ago
DDS Madison is beyond awesome! TBH, I get very nervous at any dental related offices. DDS Madison was very professional, amiable and straightforward. DDS Madison was compassionate when I needed to take a breather She gave me her personal cell phone in case I had further questions or challenges. Several days later she called to verify that all is well and asked whether I had concerns (instead of having a receptionist make the call). Hopefully I don't need another root canal but if I ever do, DDS Madison will definitely be my 1st call.

Donna Lombardi
3 years ago
Dr Madison and her assistant ( don't remember her name) were soooo nice! Everything was explained thoroughly before my root canal. We had some laughs over common interests, then the process began. Numbing injections were given, to ensure there was no pain. About an hour later I was all done! When the numbness was gone surprisingly no pain. A week later Dr. Madison called to see how I was. This was my first visit, if I need a root canal again I'll be back!!! Thank you so much

Shalea Johnson
3 years ago
She's amazing. Go to her if you need a root canal.

L Drewes
3 years ago
DDS Madison is beyond awesome! TBH, I get very nervous at any dental related offices. DDS Madison was very professional, amiable and straightforward. DDS Madison was compassionate when I needed to take a breather She gave me her personal cell phone in case I had further questions or challenges. Several days later she called to verify that all is well and asked whether I had concerns (instead of having a receptionist make the call). Hopefully I don't need another root canal but if I ever do, DDS Madison will definitely be my 1st call.

Donna Lombardi
3 years ago
Dr Madison and her assistant ( don't remember her name) were soooo nice! Everything was explained thoroughly before my root canal. We had some laughs over common interests, then the process began. Numbing injections were given, to ensure there was no pain. About an hour later I was all done! When the numbness was gone surprisingly no pain. A week later Dr. Madison called to see how I was. This was my first visit, if I need a root canal again I'll be back!!! Thank you so much

Alma Hodzic Sabanovic
4 years ago
Yolanda was absolutely amazing. She asked several times if I was comfortable during my root canal procedure. She showed me xrays before and after and reassured me everything wad going well. Completely impressed with her kindness.. thank you for being so careful.

Richard Zepeda
4 years ago
Dr Madison was a complete professional I could not have felt in better hands. While I ended up with an alternative option I highly recommend

Pete Vas
4 years ago
Excellent doctor, I strongly recommend her!

Deborah German
4 years ago
July 10,2020, I took my 16 year old granddaughter to have a root canal my granddaughter is usually very nervous when seeing a dentist but she didn't have that problem. Dr.Madison was very patient and she made my granddaughter feel very comfortable she's very professional and funny. This is the place to go if you need to have a root canal done.

Richard Zepeda
4 years ago
Dr Madison was a complete professional I could not have felt in better hands. While I ended up with an alternative option I highly recommend

Pete Vas
4 years ago
Excellent doctor, I strongly recommend her!

Alma Hodzic Sabanovic
4 years ago
Yolanda was absolutely amazing. She asked several times if I was comfortable during my root canal procedure. She showed me xrays before and after and reassured me everything wad going well. Completely impressed with her kindness.. thank you for being so careful.

Deborah German
4 years ago
July 10,2020, I took my 16 year old granddaughter to have a root canal my granddaughter is usually very nervous when seeing a dentist but she didn't have that problem. Dr.Madison was very patient and she made my granddaughter feel very comfortable she's very professional and funny. This is the place to go if you need to have a root canal done.

ENG Mahmoud
5 years ago
I actually enjoyed the root canal on April 19, 2019. Dr Madison is highly skilled, nice and funny. The Best Doctor.Thank you

Kyle Mahoney
5 years ago
I saw Dr. Madison for root canal therapy yesterday, and I had a fantastic experience. It was my first root canal procedure and I was nervous, but Dr. Madison and her assistant Samantha put me at ease quickly. The entire procedure only took about 1.5 hours, and a lot of that time was spent just waiting for the anesthesia to kick in and for the filler material to set properly at the end. Once the actual work started I felt next to nothing. Some pressure, which is normal, and one or two fleeting tinges of sharp pain. The second I informed Dr. Madison and Samantha of the pain they stopped and waited until I gave the OK to continue. Again, I want to emphasize that these pains were small and fleeting, because Dr. Madison did an excellent job with the anesthesia. It was obvious to me that Dr. Madison and Samantha both care about their patients' comfort. Yes, they chatted, but I found it funny and relatable, and it helps take one's mind off of what's going on. I guess to each their own with the chatter, but I enjoyed it and found it helpful. Most importantly, 24 hours after the procedure my pain is virtually gone, I have minimal soreness, and I'm incredibly grateful to Dr. Madison and her team. I will definitely see her again if and when I need to. Highly recommended.

Kyle Mahoney
5 years ago
I saw Dr. Madison for root canal therapy yesterday, and I had a fantastic experience. It was my first root canal procedure and I was nervous, but Dr. Madison and her assistant Samantha put me at ease quickly. The entire procedure only took about 1.5 hours, and a lot of that time was spent just waiting for the anesthesia to kick in and for the filler material to set properly at the end. Once the actual work started I felt next to nothing. Some pressure, which is normal, and one or two fleeting tinges of sharp pain. The second I informed Dr. Madison and Samantha of the pain they stopped and waited until I gave the OK to continue. Again, I want to emphasize that these pains were small and fleeting, because Dr. Madison did an excellent job with the anesthesia. It was obvious to me that Dr. Madison and Samantha both care about their patients' comfort. Yes, they chatted, but I found it funny and relatable, and it helps take one's mind off of what's going on. I guess to each their own with the chatter, but I enjoyed it and found it helpful. Most importantly, 24 hours after the procedure my pain is virtually gone, I have minimal soreness, and I'm incredibly grateful to Dr. Madison and her team. I will definitely see her again if and when I need to. Highly recommended.

ENG Mahmoud
5 years ago
I actually enjoyed the root canal on April 19, 2019. Dr Madison is highly skilled, nice and funny. The Best Doctor.Thank you

6 years ago
She is good. Really good. I saw the bad review. Yes, they chat sometimes but only during routine stuff. When Dr Madison is concentrating there is no chatter. I love the oldies music she plays and she is always aware of my discomfort or or other needs, giving me a break when I need it. I've seen her for 2 root canals one was a complicated re-do. She is great! I recommend her highly.

otto patzwaldt
6 years ago
Dr. Madison may be great in what she does, but I feel she is completely insensitive to her patient needs. I have never posted a review before,but will try to stay with the facts, as I see them. I went in for a root canal and in the first 10 minutes, she explained what she was doing. Two injections to numb my tooth, glasses to protect my eyes etc. My procedure took 2 hours. As I was paying my bill, the numbness was almost completely gone. I could feel it in my cheeks and could feel the pressure on my tooth when I bit down. I felt pain , what must have been, half way through the procedure, but didn't complain, thinking it must be over soon. During my root canal, the doctor and her assistant discussed how eager they were for the football season to start and at some point, the discussion went to how painful someone's pimple was! SERIOUSLY? Try a root canal with the anesthesia wearing off? During the procedure, I must have pulled away extra hard and the assistant asked if I was okay. I waved her off, and the Doctor gave a short giggle. Aside from that interaction, there were no questions to me as to my comfort, no reassurance that it was almost over, nothing encouraging to say it was going well. At the end of the 2 hours, the Dr.said the procedure took longer because she found calcification on the tooth and had trouble finding the tunnels. I have had a root canal before, and also an implant. This was the worst dental experience in my life. And I'm not even going into how saliva was gathering in the back of my throat and how painful it was to swallow on the side where they were working.

otto patzwaldt
7 years ago
Dr. Madison may be great in what she does, but I feel she is completely insensitive to her patient needs. I have never posted a review before,but will try to stay with the facts, as I see them. I went in for a root canal and in the first 10 minutes, she explained what she was doing. Two injections to numb my tooth, glasses to protect my eyes etc. My procedure took 2 hours. As I was paying my bill, the numbness was almost completely gone. I could feel it in my cheeks and could feel the pressure on my tooth when I bit down. I felt pain , what must have been, half way through the procedure, but didn't complain, thinking it must be over soon. During my root canal, the doctor and her assistant discussed how eager they were for the football season to start and at some point, the discussion went to how painful someone's pimple was! SERIOUSLY? Try a root canal with the anesthesia wearing off? During the procedure, I must have pulled away extra hard and the assistant asked if I was okay. I waved her off, and the Doctor gave a short giggle. Aside from that interaction, there were no questions to me as to my comfort, no reassurance that it was almost over, nothing encouraging to say it was going well. At the end of the 2 hours, the Dr.said the procedure took longer because she found calcification on the tooth and had trouble finding the tunnels. I have had a root canal before, and also an implant. This was the worst dental experience in my life. And I'm not even going into how saliva was gathering in the back of my throat and how painful it was to swallow on the side where they were working.

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