Great Smile Dental

Great Smile Dental - General dentist in San Diego, CA
5210 Balboa Ave Suite A-2, San Diego, CA 92117
Closes at 5:00pm
Monday9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday9:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday8:00am - 2:00pm

Great Smile Dental is a San Diego based family dentist practice that treats patients of all ages. We are committed to delivering the highest quality dental care and do so using advanced dental equipment. We are a cosmetic dentist that offers services like checkups, teeth cleaning, crowns, veneers and more.

To provide excellent quality care in a friendly and comfortable environment for you and your love ones. We strive for personalized patient care through open communication and education in order to provide an enhanced treatment experience and success.

Great Smile Dental - General dentist in San Diego, CA

Dr. Genevieve Abi-Nahed or Dr. Abi for short, and often Dr Happy as patients have renamed her, simply adores her profession and loves bringing a smile to everyone she interacts with. She is known to be a happy, cheerful person with a genuine care for her patients since 2001. Dr. Abi-Nahed has successfully treated thousands of patients. She offers customized unique treatments for each of her patients. Dr. Abi-Nahed is also an educator and believes strongly in helping others understand the process and options to obtain the best treatment plan, and ultimately the best treatment outcome possible.

Dr. Abi-Nahed is a super specialist and has distinguished herself in her career by becoming certified specialist in both Periodontics and Orthodontics. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and Board Eligible for the American Board of Orthodontics. Dr. Abi-Nahed obtained her certificate in Orthodontics from the prestigious Eastman Institute for Oral Health in Rochester, New York and received her Master of Science in Periodontics from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Great Smile Dental - General dentist in San Diego, CA

Dr. Yamil Reeves D.MD., is a father of 2 beautiful girls and is married to his lovely wife Dr. Genevieve Abi-nahed, an Orthodontist and a Periodontist. On his spare time he enjoys hiking with his family, dancing and singing. Might even catch him singing during your dental visit

Dr. Reeves graduated from University of Puerto Rico. Prior to becoming a dentist, he gained vast experience in the dental field as a dental hygienist in General Dentistry as well as Periodontics and Prosthodontics. He was also part of the Colgate Oral Pharmaceutical company as a dental clinician for preventive and oral cancer pathologies as well as a Colgate dental products representative in dental conventions.

Services provided by Dr. Reeves include: Full mouth rehabilitation, Implants, Root canals, Extractions, Veneers, Crowns, Dental Bridges, Composites (tooth color restorations), Dentures, Regular cleanings, Deep cleanings, Laser dentistry and Whitening.

Dr. Reeves is committed to improving the lives of his patients in San Diego by providing exceptional dental care. That is why Dr Reeves Provides a Comprehensive approach during his initial examination which includes an Oral cancer and periodontal screening prior to initiating any dental treatment as it is important for him to let his patients know if there is any dental condition contributing to deteriorate there health in general as there is vast information linking oral conditions with Cardiovascular, Alzheimer, Cancer and Systemic Disease.

Dr Reeves and his family moved to San Diego and joined our community in 2014. Since then, Dr Reeves and Dr Adi-Nahed have been a power team in our community promoting oral health and transformed many lives by bringing back confidence and the ability to smile again to our patients.

The team at Great Smile Dental believe in the importance of preventative care. We focus on keeping patients in good oral health so that they can live a full, healthy, and enjoyable life that is free from oral pain. This starts by educating our patients on what they can do to stay healthy at home. In our family dentist office we recommend that patients eat a healthy diet that consists of green leafy vegetables, lean protein, nuts, dairy products, and crunchy fruits and veggies. Eating these foods along with drinking water can help to keep teeth healthy and make them stronger. By simultaneously reducing sugar intake, patients can also reduce their risk of cavities.

It is also important to brush and floss throughout the day. Instead of waiting for bedtime to brush teeth, carry a small toothbrush and use it after meals and snacks. This makes it possible to remove sugar and bacteria from the teeth and gums before it has the opportunity to turn into acid that can attack the teeth. This preventative step can greatly reduce a persons' risk of getting a cavity or gum disease. We understand the importance of taking these steps at home and will spend the time necessary to educate and inform patients so that they can stay healthy overall. Education, after all, is essential for living a long and healthy life.

Understanding the importance of these regular dental exams, the staff at Great Smile Dental work to make each patient extremely comfortable. This includes being welcoming and kind while performing dental treatments in a way that is painless and relaxing. Patients visit our dentist office because they trust us to do just that take care of their teeth and gums, gently. The majority of our patients are local and come from the greater San Diego area, we also see patients that are looking for gentle dental care.

Seniors, on the other hand, often struggle with gum disease and oral infections. As people age, their teeth can become weaker and infected more easily. Bone loss is incredibly common with seniors and by conducting regular dental exams, the team at Great Smile Dental can help seniors to have strong teeth and reduce the risk of them falling out. Since over seventy percent of U.S. adults suffer from tooth loss, preventative care is important.

A. Primary, or 'baby,' teeth are important for many reasons. Not only do they help children speak clearly and chew naturally, they also aid in forming a path that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to come in.

A. First, rinse the irritated area with warm salt water and place a cold compress on the face if it is swollen. Give the child acetaminophen for any pain, rather than placing aspirin on the teeth or gums. Finally, see a dentist as soon as possible.

A. Sealants work by filling in the crevasses on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. This shuts out food particles that could get caught in the teeth, causing cavities. The application is fast and comfortable and can effectively protect teeth for many years.

A. Have your family dentist evaluate the fluoride level of your child's primary source of drinking water. If your child is not getting enough fluoride internally through water (especially if the fluoride level is deficient or if your child drinks bottled water without fluoride), then we may prescribe fluoride supplements.

A. Soft plastic mouthguards can be used to protect teeth, lips, cheeks and gums from sport related injuries. A custom-fitted mouthguard will protect your teeth from injuries and even provide protection from severe injuries to the head.

A. There is very little risk in dental X-rays. Family dentists are especially careful to limit the amount of radiation to which you and your family are exposed. Lead aprons and high-speed film are used to ensure safety and minimize the amount of radiation. Digital x-rays provide an even greater level of protection by using up to 90 percent less radiation.

A dental implant is an excellent option for long-term tooth replacement, but a common question is how long do dental implants last?Factors that alter how long dental implants are viable depend on the patient's lifestyle and dental hygiene. The technology of dental implants has become so progressive over the years that implant failures due to

Learning more about how dental crowns can save your damaged teeth is a great idea. There are many different types of dental restoration options available to ensure you have a healthy mouth and crowns are just one of these restorations. The more you understand about taking good care of your oral health and how a

Wondering how dental professionals repair damaged teeth? Dental veneers are one of the most common types of dental treatments used for those who have damaged teeth. According to WebMD, dental veneers are routinely used to fix teeth that are discolored, worn down, chipped, broken, misaligned, uneven, irregularly-shaped and gapped.Because dental veneers can be used to

At Great Smile Dental, we provide clear braces throughout the San Diego area. Straight teeth are important for your overall oral health. When teeth are crooked, they can become stained and infected more easily. By straightening teeth, we can improve your appearance and decrease the risk of getting cavities at the same time. We can also address issues that you may have with your jaw by aligning your bite. Clear braces are truly a comprehensive way and discreet way to address oral health concerns.

We understand that while many people want to have straighter teeth, many teens and adults are uncomfortable with the traditional metal braces on their teeth for more than one year. While they are not as discreet as people wish, metal braces are an effective tool for straightening teeth. The procedure works by placing a metal bracket onto the surface of each tooth and running a wire through those brackets. It is impossible not to notice when someone is wearing traditional metal braces. While the treatment works, it can also negatively impact a persons' appearance while doing so. This has led many people to seek out a better option, one that we provide.

At Great Smile Dental, we offer clear alternatives for adults and teens the greater San Diego area. We can straighten teeth and move them into the perfect position so the patient has a beautiful and radiant straight smile. If you have crooked teeth, unsightly gaps between your teeth or a misaligned bite, then we can help to correct these issues and more. Clear braces work just as effectively as metal braces but with some major improvements. Clear braces are much more difficult to notice, making them ideal for busy professionals, teens and those that do not want to negatively impact their current appearance during the process.

There are several types of clear and barely visible options to choose. One operates similarly to traditional metal braces where we place a bracket onto each tooth and thread a wire between the brackets. The difference is that instead of being made out of metal, the brackets for clear braces consists of a tooth-colored resin that blends in with the natural tooth. The wire is also tooth-colored so that the braces themselves are almost invisible and difficult to see. We find that this solution works well for teens and adults that are able to practice proper dental hygiene with the clear braces. Otherwise, food can stain the brackets. This solution is an excellent alternative to traditional braces and is just as effective at addressing all oral health concerns.

Clear braces also come in the form of aligners. Clear aligners look like a full retainer that surrounds the teeth and are worn on the upper and lower teeth. Aligners are more convenient to wear than metal braces since patients can remove them when necessary. One of the major concerns that people have with wearing braces is that they do not come off until the treatment is complete. If, for example, you get braces then decide to get married, you will either have braces in your wedding pictures or need to pay to remove them and reinstall them after. Simultaneously, if you have a big presentation at work and want to impress a client, your braces cannot come off for the meeting. This leaves many adults apprehensive about committing to a two-year treatment plan. We understand that appearance is important for more than vanity. It impacts your ability to create a professional image and retain your own self-image. As a San Diego provider of clear braces and aligners, we make it so that you do not have to compromise your appearance or lifestyle while straightening teeth; aligners are a key component of that.

We treat both teens and adults and understand that both can benefit from similar treatment options. While children may not be able to wear clear braces, teens can wear clear braces if they take proper care of them. The main difference between clear braces for teens and adult braces, is that teens may need to use their aligners for a longer period of time. With such a busy schedule, we expect teens to remove their aligners more frequently to do things like play sports.


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Yolanda Baca
a year ago
I'm so grateful for Dr. Abi and Dr. Reeves. Being a military family, it's always nerve wracking to establish a new dentist every time we move to a new state but since moving to San Diego we couldn't be more at ease with our choice. We felt so welcome and have never had problems with any procedure. They're exceptional in their practice from a simple cleaning to more extensive work, I've never felt pain and neither have my kids. Our dental visits are never dreadful before, during or after. Thank you Dr. Reeves and Dr. Abi for all you do.

Karina C
2 years ago
Dr Abi and Dr Reeves are the best. I was on pain and didn't have appointments but they open a spot in their schedule to see me and treat me. Their work it's so professional and all the personal is super friendly. They make you feel and treat you like family.

Christina Nikci
2 years ago
My front teeth cracked, and Dr. Reeves & his staff at great smile dental were soo helpful, kind & patient!! I had extreme fear of the dentist but they helped me get through the whole thing with patience and care. I got 2 veneers on my front 2 teeth & they came out beautifully!! Can't even tell it isn't my real smile thank you!!!

Hansae Lee
2 years ago
I visited here for my wisdom tooth problem. Dr. Reeves was very professional and I have no more problem anymore. Dr. Abi was very kind and understanding as well. The entire staffs including the reception lady were really helpful and friendly. I'm very satisfied with their service and would go there again in the future.

Andrew Root
3 years ago
Dr Reeves and Dr Abi are the best! Not only are they some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, they do a great job of making you feel comfortable at the dentist. When I came the first time, I hadn't been to a dentist in years and I had a bunch of cavities and crowns that needed work. Dr Reeves never shamed me or made me feel bad about not taking better care of my teeth over the years, now my teeth are in great shape!

Christina Nikci
3 years ago
My front teeth cracked, and Dr. Reeves & his staff at great smile dental were soo helpful, kind & patient!! I had extreme fear of the dentist but they helped me get through the whole thing with patience and care. I got 2 veneers on my front 2 teeth & they came out beautifully!! Can't even tell it isn't my real smile thank you!!!

Hansae Lee
3 years ago
I visited here for my wisdom tooth problem. Dr. Reeves was very professional and I have no more problem anymore. Dr. Abi was very kind and understanding as well. The entire staffs including the reception lady were really helpful and friendly. I'm very satisfied with their service and would go there again in the future.

Justyna Kloda
3 years ago
Finding a great dentist can be really hard to do. But, this place is incredible!! Dr Abi and Dr Reeves are very caring, thorough and professional. They really treat you like family here and truly make the experience very comfortable, informative and fun for the patient! Recently, one of my front teeth chipped and Dr Abi and team were able to accommodate me on the same day! I was so grateful for their quick reply and ability to see me given such short notice (especially considering I had a big event the following day!). I'm very impressed by the entire dental team at Great Smile and couldn't recommend this office enough! Any businesses that aspire to have the ultimate friendly, professional and reliable business culture should visit their office.

Rebeca Garcia
4 years ago
Dr. Abi & team are amazing! I was referred by a friend and was amazed with their care. The whole team is really professional and friendly. After they answered all my questions, I knew they are trustworthy and incredibly experienced.

Justyna Kloda
4 years ago
Finding a great dentist can be really hard to do. But, this place is incredible!! Dr Abi and Dr Reeves are very caring, thorough and professional. They really treat you like family here and truly make the experience very comfortable, informative and fun for the patient! Recently, one of my front teeth chipped and Dr Abi and team were able to accommodate me on the same day! I was so grateful for their quick reply and ability to see me given such short notice (especially considering I had a big event the following day!). I'm very impressed by the entire dental team at Great Smile and couldn't recommend this office enough! Any businesses that aspire to have the ultimate friendly, professional and reliable business culture should visit their office.

Dr Tie W
4 years ago
Dr. Hasan Daoud has been the best dentist I've ever had. He doesn't oversell and has great prices. He tells you to try him out on small jobs first and see how you like his work before you commit to bigger jobs. He's also on time, which is so rare for any doctors.He is really gentle with technique, which minimizes pain. Raquel is also fantastic, really personable, and even recognizes your voice on the phone, which is crazy since it's not like you go to the dentist very often. She's really great at coordinating everything and contacting your insurance companies. Emina is also great, friendly, and gentle with her work. Overall a really fantastic practice. Especially since they are open Saturdays too.

Joshua Thomas
4 years ago
Everybody is super nice and thorough and willing to work with you every step of the way!

K Shields
4 years ago
I went to Great Smile yesterday for a consult based on a recommendation from my dentist, to consider options for repair of existing issues and for future preventive steps. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was an overwhelming sense of connection, a truly "family first" establishment. Meeting Dr. Abi was delightful- she instantly made me feel comfortable there and she is an exceptional listener. During the consult she listened to my objectives, namely that I wanted to preserve my oral health as long as possible. She clearly considered several factors as she helped me assess a variety of options. Her calm demeanor is complimented by a very evident expertise in her specialty, and she is almost like a personal consultant, helping you figure out what's best for you-- not just recommending what's routine or simply standard. I am very glad to have had this positive experience and I feel confident that I can trust she has my best interests at heart. She's a rare find in the medical dental field! Thanks Dr. Abi!

Danielle Reeves
4 years ago
Dr. Abi is extremely patient, competent and personable. She has gone over and beyond before, during, and after my procedure! Her outstanding patient care is hard to find these days and I'm extremely grateful for it!

Rebeca Garcia
4 years ago
Dr. Abi & team are amazing! I was referred by a friend and was amazed with their care. The whole team is really professional and friendly. After they answered all my questions, I knew they are trustworthy and incredibly experienced.

K Shields
5 years ago
I went to Great Smile yesterday for a consult based on a recommendation from my dentist, to consider options for repair of existing issues and for future preventive steps. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was an overwhelming sense of connection, a truly "family first" establishment. Meeting Dr. Abi was delightful- she instantly made me feel comfortable there and she is an exceptional listener. During the consult she listened to my objectives, namely that I wanted to preserve my oral health as long as possible. She clearly considered several factors as she helped me assess a variety of options. Her calm demeanor is complimented by a very evident expertise in her specialty, and she is almost like a personal consultant, helping you figure out what's best for you-- not just recommending what's routine or simply standard. I am very glad to have had this positive experience and I feel confident that I can trust she has my best interests at heart. She's a rare find in the medical dental field! Thanks Dr. Abi!

Dr Tie W
5 years ago
Dr. Hasan Daoud has been the best dentist I've ever had. He doesn't oversell and has great prices. He tells you to try him out on small jobs first and see how you like his work before you commit to bigger jobs. He's also on time, which is so rare for any doctors.He is really gentle with technique, which minimizes pain. Raquel is also fantastic, really personable, and even recognizes your voice on the phone, which is crazy since it's not like you go to the dentist very often. She's really great at coordinating everything and contacting your insurance companies. Emina is also great, friendly, and gentle with her work. Overall a really fantastic practice. Especially since they are open Saturdays too.

Joshua Thomas
5 years ago
Everybody is super nice and thorough and willing to work with you every step of the way!

Danielle Reeves
5 years ago
Dr. Abi is extremely patient, competent and personable. She has gone over and beyond before, during, and after my procedure! Her outstanding patient care is hard to find these days and I'm extremely grateful for it!

Melody Shi
5 years ago
Dr Hasan is very professional and had so much patience for me and my treatment plan I recommend this place for everyone thank you dr hasan for all your hard work and for making my smile so beautiful

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