Dr. Hana Walkup

4095 SW 144th Ave Ste A, Beaverton, OR 97005
Dr. Hana Walkup - General dentist in Beaverton, OR

At Beaverton Tendercare, we never forget that our clients are people first, and patients second. That means we care about more than just the smile. We care about the person behind the smile. We know that a mouth full of healthy, beautiful teeth is just the beginning. By nurturing your smile, we nourish your self esteem. Your teeth may be our focus. But your happiness your confidence your wellness are our goals. So we treat you less like a patient and more like a friend. And friends take care of each other. Yes, our highly trained, dedicated and professional staff is committed to providing the best dental care youll find anywhere.

Find the best dentist in: Oregon / Washington County / Beaverton / 97005