
12791 Newport Ave, Tustin, CA 92780
DDS - General dentist in Tustin, CA

At Allegra Dental, we constantly strive to bring in the latest advancements in digital technology, technique, and evidence-based knowledge to improve your smile and quality of life. We have equipped our modern office with world-class quality technology and a full-service in-house lab to provide more complete and accurate diagnosis, deliver high-quality treatment with less invasive procedures, and create a more pleasant and comfortable patient experience.

DDS - General dentist in Tustin, CA

A native of Southern California, Dr. Kim graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. He then entered New York University College of Dentistry and received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery with multiple senior awards. While studying at New York University, he was chosen to receive the award for highest hours of clinical work and exemplary dental practice, as well as an award for excellence in Endodontics from the American Association of Endodontists.

Having completed more than ten times the graduation requirements one year early, Dr. Kim received a special waiver from the dean to rotate full-time in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery at Jacobi/Albert Einstein Medical Center during his last year of dental school. Furthermore, Dr. Kim received training in IV sedation at Montefiore Medical Center in New York, worked with medically complex and high-risk patients in a special elective program during his senior year, and participated in global outreach in the Dominican Republic.

Dr. Kims genuine passion for dentistry has led him to pursue extensive training in cosmetic dentistry, CAD-CAM restorative dentistry, oral surgery, implant dentistry, endodontics, orthodontics, and full mouth rehabilitation. He completed his post-graduate training at the prestigiousKois Center in Seattle, WA. Currently, he serves as a distinguished Kois mentor for other dentists worldwide in a comprehensive,didactic and evidence-based curriculum on the latest advances in esthetics, implants and restorative dentistry.

DDS - General dentist in Tustin, CADDS - General dentist in Tustin, CADDS - General dentist in Tustin, CA
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