Canyon Ranch Dental Care

Canyon Ranch Dental Care - General dentist in American Canyon, CA
120 W American Canyon Rd # M8, American Canyon, CA 94503


Rating 4.3 out of 5 based on 6 reviews

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Wayne Anderson
2 years ago
Outstanding customer service and professionalism. They are timely, direct and gives unbelievable results. Try is dental office you will not be disappointed.

Laura Mooiman
5 years ago
We have been patients at Canyon Ranch for 10 years. They are friendly, efficient, flexible and incredibly thoughtful and personable. My children have only known Dr. Rivera and her staff and have a great deal of comfort in the office - we are always treated like family there! One time I said my favorite candy was a particular See's chocolate and Dr. Rivera gave me 3 of them out of her own box at Christmas time! We have moved a lot and had lots of dentists. I really trust Dr. Rivera and her team - they are not trying to get your money or to do any unneccsary work. She is so professional and fast at what she does. I cannot recommend a dentist more highly!!

LOGIC Ministries
5 years ago
I got a filling done here and it has since come out; they only guarantee their work for 2 years. NOT GOOD!

LOGIC Ministries
6 years ago
I got a filling done here and it has since come out; they only guarantee their work for 2 years. NOT GOOD!

Laura Mooiman
6 years ago
We have been patients at Canyon Ranch for 10 years. They are friendly, efficient, flexible and incredibly thoughtful and personable. My children have only known Dr. Rivera and her staff and have a great deal of comfort in the office - we are always treated like family there! One time I said my favorite candy was a particular See's chocolate and Dr. Rivera gave me 3 of them out of her own box at Christmas time! We have moved a lot and had lots of dentists. I really trust Dr. Rivera and her team - they are not trying to get your money or to do any unneccsary work. She is so professional and fast at what she does. I cannot recommend a dentist more highly!!

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