Boynton Dental Clinic

410 Church St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Closes at 4:30pm
Monday8:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday8:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday8:00am - 4:30pm
Thursday8:00am - 4:30pm
Friday8:00am - 4:30pm

The Health Equity and Diversity Committee exists to improve the Boynton Health and campus climates for diverse campus community members through strategies promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion for all. Read our Statement on Racism.

Boynton Dental Clinic - General dentist in Minneapolis, MNBoynton Dental Clinic - General dentist in Minneapolis, MNBoynton Dental Clinic - General dentist in Minneapolis, MNBoynton Dental Clinic - General dentist in Minneapolis, MNBoynton Dental Clinic - General dentist in Minneapolis, MNBoynton Dental Clinic - General dentist in Minneapolis, MN

Our clinic is filled with art. Bringing art into our building is one way we try toenhance a healing environment. Since 2007, we have acquired more than 150 works of art. All artists represented in our clinic have a connection to the University of Minnesota.

Quality assurance (QA) is defined as the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production. What that means is the process of ensuring an organizations quality standards are being met. This involves the patient engagement process being monitored to make sure everything is carried out how it should be to ensure the highest quality of patient experience. There might be tests, assessments, and observations made to improve the quality through that process meaning a better standard is being strived for.

The definition of compliance is the action or fact of complying with a wish or command. In other words, if an authoritative body (Executive Leadership) sets some rules to abide by, the staff and organization need to stick to them when interacting with patients and visitors. It has to be made according to an order, set of rules, or request.

Compliance and quality go hand in hand. One simply cannot go without the other when we strive to provide the best service and care possible. Every single one of us plays a role in both compliance and quality every day we show up for work - every time we interact with our patients, their friends and families, vendors, and our colleagues.

Lastly, we are still one department with aligning goals; however, May Thao is our Compliance Director, and Lisa Montpetit is Quality Assurance Director, Beth Elliott-Thul is the Compliance and Quality Assurance Specialist and MaiXy Xiong is the Quality Assurance Coordinator.

  • Currently, there are many ways to report You may report through paper forms (located in the lunchroom) UReport GoogleForm to submit staff feedback, reporting compliance issues only to Adverse incident report forms Etc.
  • Well, they have been doing a HIPAA security audit. These are all part of the Lock Your Computer (LYC) campaign. To mitigate HIPAA breaches, we ask everyone to lock their computer if they are not attending to it; even it is for a quick second.

    * If we have missed you, or your area (if you are potentially in a secured area), PLEASE stop in and see us on the second floor! We would love to give you some chocolate to share with your team, and talk to you a bit about the importance of LYC!

    Thats right, accreditation is right around the corner with May 2022 set to be our next date for our survey! Committee chairs and committees will begin to see the specific standards that they are assigned, and we will begin making sure that all of our policies are up-to-date! We will be sure to share the exact dates for our survey when we have them!

    1975 Renamed in honor of Dr. Ruth Boynton. The same year, the University required all students have hospitalization insurance, allowing Boynton to develop a health insurance program for students guaranteeing access to health care while enrolled.

    1979 First college health center with a Quality Assurance program, and first college health service and first clinic in the Twin Cities to be accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. Boynton has maintained accreditation ever since.

    1995 Conducts first population-based health assessment of university students. The survey became the model for the National College Health Assessment developed by the American College Health Association.Data from Boyntons College Student Health Survey informed important public health actions, including:

    Today, Boynton Health is one of the most comprehensive college student health services in the nation. It serves as a model for our health care system because it is responsive to the community, combines medical care and public health, and has a developmental approach to health.


    Rating 3.5 out of 5 based on 11 reviews

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    Alyssa Beaty
    2 years ago
    My boyfriend has been in severe pain for days on end, and I called about 30 places to get an emergency appointment, and EVERYWHERE turned us away or were booked out tell Feb 2022. Just as I was losing hope I called Boynton and got in contact with Angie. I am convinced Angie is a literal angel. The level of service she provided to get my partner in the next day was OUTSTANDING. I will be forever thankful to her and her persistence in getting us the help we needed. Thank you Angie, we owe you one!

    Daniel Kunkler
    3 years ago
    Referred me to an Endodontic Specialist for a cleaning and scheduled me for some deep cleanings. After the root canal I was supposed to come back to get the tooth filled. At my cleaning I tried to schedule the filling but was told that I couldn't because they needed word back from the endodontic specialist. When I mentioned this to my assistant they seemed confused because they had word back from the E.S. Ok, so I called back and rescheduled since they never called me and said they had heard from them. When I called they mentioned that the ES had maxed out my coverage which is why they never called me. "Ok, so I can't fill my tooth" I asked? They were like... well I guess but you'll have to pay out of pocket. So apparently they recommended me to get half work done, then get it filled out of pocket. It would have been great to know before I started all of it. The lady scheduling was all defensive because she "Didn't know who told me that info previously". Ok, 190 they quote me and I pay it out of pocket for the filling. Then they send me another bill for 82 bucks. I call back to see what the deal is and once again I'm met with defensiveness "We didn't force you to see the endodontist". No, you referred me to it when I came to you because I couldn't sleep from dental pain. It's someone you work with closely, so I assume they have working knowledge of their billing schemes. The lady I asked about billing was also saying "Well we didn't know how much delta dental was going to cover". Which doesn't make sense because they already told me it was maxed out. Overall I wish I had gone somewhere else. Where they could do the work I needed done and not play games or put me in this weird limbo about finances. They also keep acting defensive instead of actually trying to help me. I'm just disappointed. My assistant was super cool and helpful though and my dentist who did the filling was great too. Update: I expressed my dissatisfaction with the staff over the last phone call and they called me today and said they waived the previous fees. Its nice to know that they're willing to listen to feedback and work to resolve something beyond what I even asked for.

    Daniel Kunkler
    3 years ago
    Referred me to an Endodontic Specialist for a cleaning and scheduled me for some deep cleanings. After the root canal I was supposed to come back to get the tooth filled. At my cleaning I tried to schedule the filling but was told that I couldn't because they needed word back from the endodontic specialist. When I mentioned this to my assistant they seemed confused because they had word back from the E.S. Ok, so I called back and rescheduled since they never called me and said they had heard from them. When I called they mentioned that the ES had maxed out my coverage which is why they never called me. "Ok, so I can't fill my tooth" I asked? They were like... well I guess but you'll have to pay out of pocket. So apparently they recommended me to get half work done, then get it filled out of pocket. It would have been great to know before I started all of it. The lady scheduling was all defensive because she "Didn't know who told me that info previously". Ok, 190 they quote me and I pay it out of pocket for the filling. Then they send me another bill for 82 bucks. I call back to see what the deal is and once again I'm met with defensiveness "We didn't force you to see the endodontist". No, you referred me to it when I came to you because I couldn't sleep from dental pain. It's someone you work with closely, so I assume they have working knowledge of their billing schemes. The lady I asked about billing was also saying "Well we didn't know how much delta dental was going to cover". Which doesn't make sense because they already told me it was maxed out. Overall I wish I had gone somewhere else. Where they could do the work I needed done and not play games or put me in this weird limbo about finances. They also keep acting defensive instead of actually trying to help me. I'm just disappointed. My assistant was super cool and helpful though and my dentist who did the filling was great too. Update: I expressed my dissatisfaction with the staff over the last phone call and they called me today and said they waived the previous fees. Its nice to know that they're willing to listen to feedback and work to resolve something beyond what I even asked for.

    Jinfang Liu
    4 years ago
    Never enter their trap!!!. At least not with dentist Lebo!!! I just went there to clean my healthy teeth twice in 4 years, Lebo just smiled friendly and killed my two teeth to make me do implant and root canael, so they got thousands of dollars from the pain he caused me. I reported him. But both Boyton quality control and dental directors just delayed my case and lied in the end shamelessly. I could not even sue as no other dentist would be my witness for another dentist malpractice. Anyway, the dentists can do anything and say it is all patient's fault and patients have to pay more and more money to for more and more pain. I canceled my dental insurance with Boyton and stoped going to Boyton.

    Jinfang Liu
    4 years ago
    Never enter their trap!!!. At least not with dentist Lebo!!! I just went there to clean my healthy teeth twice in 4 years, Lebo just smiled friendly and killed my two teeth to make me do implant and root canael, so they got thousands of dollars from the pain he caused me. I reported him. But both Boyton quality control and dental directors just delayed my case and lied in the end shamelessly. I could not even sue as no other dentist would be my witness for another dentist malpractice. Anyway, the dentists can do anything and say it is all patient's fault and patients have to pay more and more money to for more and more pain. I canceled my dental insurance with Boyton and stoped going to Boyton.

    Chris Ross
    5 years ago
    The Dentists and staff at this clinic are very professional. They have an ultrasonic cleaning system that I really like. Katie is a credit to her profession.

    Yuko Eky Yadatsu
    5 years ago
    Great service - I really loved Dr. Annika Simon, hygienist Sabrina, and the receptionist Angie. Just make sure to cancel or reschedule the appointments before 24 hours - I think you will lose access to the clinic if you cancel within 24 hours more than 3 times.

    Mathew Lauer
    5 years ago
    I scheduled a regular cleaning months in advance, but when I finally arrived for my appointment, they told me that their hygienist was unexpectedly out for the day, and that I couldn't be seen. But this isn't what made it a one-star experience -- things like this happen and I understand that. What made it a one-star experience: the staff made no effort to contact me prior to me showing up to tell me they couldn't see me; they were generally unsympathetic (bordering on rude); most importantly, they refused to even try to find me an appointment that wasn't another few months ahead, and I couldn't wait entire months because I'd purposely scheduled my initial appointment shortly before leaving the country. I've been here before, and some of the dental staff truly are very kind and helpful. But U students deserve better, and if you can help it, you should go elsewhere or risk awful (and incredibly inconvenient and unapologetic) customer service.

    Chris Ross
    5 years ago
    The Dentists and staff at this clinic are very professional. They have an ultrasonic cleaning system that I really like. Katie is a credit to her profession.

    Yuko Eky Yadatsu
    5 years ago
    Great service - I really loved Dr. Annika Simon, hygienist Sabrina, and the receptionist Angie. Just make sure to cancel or reschedule the appointments before 24 hours - I think you will lose access to the clinic if you cancel within 24 hours more than 3 times.

    Mathew Lauer
    5 years ago
    I scheduled a regular cleaning months in advance, but when I finally arrived for my appointment, they told me that their hygienist was unexpectedly out for the day, and that I couldn't be seen. But this isn't what made it a one-star experience -- things like this happen and I understand that. What made it a one-star experience: the staff made no effort to contact me prior to me showing up to tell me they couldn't see me; they were generally unsympathetic (bordering on rude); most importantly, they refused to even try to find me an appointment that wasn't another few months ahead, and I couldn't wait entire months because I'd purposely scheduled my initial appointment shortly before leaving the country. I've been here before, and some of the dental staff truly are very kind and helpful. But U students deserve better, and if you can help it, you should go elsewhere or risk awful (and incredibly inconvenient and unapologetic) customer service.

    Amy Melquist
    6 years ago
    I have been going to Boyton for 15 years. Fabulous staff and care.

    Tyra Reed
    7 years ago
    Have had multiple billing issues.

    Audrey Aspen
    7 years ago
    I have come here twice for dental emergencies -- the first time, the hygienist was fantastic and really went above and beyond. After going recently, the service was horrible... rude hygienist, extremely rude receptionists, the dentist didn't even look at the issue, and refused to fix my prescription. This is below the standard of care one would expect from a Big 10 university. I am considering not returning even though it is convenient and cheaper.

    Amy Melquist
    7 years ago
    I have been going to Boyton for 15 years. Fabulous staff and care.

    Audrey Aspen
    7 years ago
    I have come here twice for dental emergencies -- the first time, the hygienist was fantastic and really went above and beyond. After going recently, the service was horrible... rude hygienist, extremely rude receptionists, the dentist didn't even look at the issue, and refused to fix my prescription. This is below the standard of care one would expect from a Big 10 university. I am considering not returning even though it is convenient and cheaper.

    Tyra Reed
    7 years ago
    Have had multiple billing issues.

    Maxim N.
    8 years ago
    They have good staff, but very outdated equipment.

    Maxim N.
    8 years ago
    They have good staff, but very outdated equipment.

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