Andolino Orthodontics

Andolino Orthodontics - Orthodontist in New York, NY
115 E 61st St # 15n, New York, NY 10065
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Monday7:00pm - 7:00pm
Tuesday7:00pm - 7:00pm
Wednesday7:00pm - 7:00pm
Thursday7:00pm - 7:00pm
Friday7:00pm - 7:00pm

Andolino Orthodontics combines use of the latest technology available in the field of orthodontics with personalized, old-world care that is rarely seen in todays fast-paced world. At Andolino Orthodontics, you can expect one doctor, one location, and one focus you! Dr. Andolino and his team treat every patient as a cherished family member, providing customized care that is second to none.

With so many excellent orthodontic providers in the New York City area, you may wonder what makes Andolino Orthodontics the number one choice. In addition to the expert training of Dr. Andolino and his friendly staff, consider the following:

  • A Premier Provider ofInvisalignand Incognito Lingual Braces and was one of the first clinicians nationwide to become a certifiedIncognitoprovider. An orthodontist can be considered a Premier Provider only by having a sufficiently large amount of experience with these braces.
  • One of the first five doctors in New York State to provideAcceledent, which shortens treatment time by 40% and was the first orthodontist in New York City to offer speed straightening with A.O.O. (Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics).
  • In addition to offering lingual braces, which are placed behind the teeth, we offer a variety of efficient and aesthetic treatment options ranging fromInvisaligninvisible braces to speed straightening technologies to various customized removable appliances, ceramic and metal braces, treatment forTMJ(temporomandibular joint problems), two-phase treatment for children, and whitening procedures, each customized to meet a patients unique needs.
  • We know that orthodontics can boost an individuals self-image, as the teeth, jaw and lips become properly aligned, but an attractive smile is just one of the benefits: alleviating or preventing physical health problems is just as important.

    Your mouth is a gateway to the body and often can provide clues about overall health status. Dr. Andolino makes it a point to ensure that patients understand every aspect of their treatment and how it will affect them. He educates, informs and inspires patients to achieve a new level of overall health.

    The practice of orthodontics involves the design, application, and control of corrective appliances, commonly called braces, to treat and correct these problems. The technical term for crooked, crowded or protruding teeth is malocclusion, which means bad bite.

    The specialists who treat malocclusions are called orthodontists. An orthodontist is a trained dentist who has successfully completed at least two additional academic years of continuous advanced studies in an orthodontic program of a dental school or institution approved by the American Dental Association. This advanced training includes such diverse studies as embryology, genetics, human growth and development, cephalometrics, biophysics and mechanical engineering. Only dentists with this advanced education can announce that they are orthodontists, and only these specially trained dentists have the knowledge, training and experience to properly evaluate and treat malocclusions.

    The diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities, now called Orthodontics, dates back to ancient Greece and Rome. It wasnt until about 1830 that a French dentist named Lefoulon began to call his work with crooked teeth orthodontisie. Throughout most of that century, appliances used to move teeth, while becoming more refined, worked on individual teeth, with no attempt to treat the teeth and mouth structure as a unit.

    Dr. Edward Angle is generally considered the father of modern orthodontics, based on his development in the late 1880s of a system for creating classifications of and terminology for diagnosing irregularities. After founding an orthodontics school in St. Louis at the turn of the century, he and others founded the American Society of Orthodontists, which later was called The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). By the mid-1920s, major colleges and universities across the country offered advanced training in orthodontics.

    There are two causes of malocclusions. Most malocclusions, including crowding, spacing, extra or missing teeth, cleft palate and certain irregularities of the jaws and face, are inherited. Acquired causes include thumb or finger sucking, tongue thrusting, breathing restrictions by tonsils and adenoids, accidents involving the teeth and face, dental disease and premature loss of primary or permanent teeth. Many of these problems also affect facial appearance. Most people do not have naturally straight teeth; in fact, the AAO estimates that up to 75% of people could benefit from orthodontic care and about 4.5 million people in the United States are wearing braces or other appliances to achieve a beautiful smile and healthy teeth.

    Untreated orthodontic problems may cause tooth decay, diseased gums, bone destruction, joint problems and loss of teeth. (More adults lose their teeth because of gum disease than because of decay.) Protruding teeth are more susceptible to accidental chipping and other forms of dental injury. Sometimes, the increased cost of dental care resulting from an untreated malocclusion far exceeds the cost of orthodontic care.

    Malocclusion also may exert harmful effects on an individuals overall health, causing speech defects, psychological and emotional disorders. A pleasing appearance is a vital asset to ones self-confidence and self-esteem. Often, self-consciousness disappears as orthodontic treatment brings teeth, lips and face into proper position.

    Contrary to what was previously believed, treatment for adults is possible at any age. In fact, today, one out of every five patients is an adult. Problems such as any of the following spaces between the teeth, protrusion of teeth, tipping of teeth into a space that was not kept open after premature extraction or loss of a tooth, and teeth that have moved into abnormal position can be helped by orthodontics. While the lack of growth in adults may slightly limit the benefit of orthodontics, most adults who undergo treatment see a visible improvement.

    The health aspect of orthodontics is often the primary consideration for adult treatment. Crooked teeth can put extra stress on supporting tissue. Failure to correct the problem might cause weakening of support tissue, thereby causing gum disease, loss of teeth and eventual need for dentures.

    Orthodontic coverage is being included in more insurance plans each year as employers and unions realize that orthodontic care is an important health concern of workers. The American Association of Orthodontists welcomes prepaid orthodontic care because it encourages better dental health care through increased availability. Because the quality and cost of orthodontic insurance varies greatly, the AAO has developed a nationwide program to counsel companies and unions on the health benefits of orthodontic care, as well as help them get the best possible benefits at the lowest premium costs. In recognition of the increasing number of adults aware of the benefits of orthodontic treatment, the AAO believes there should be no age limit for orthodontic coverage.

    While orthodontic treatment may involve several years of treatment, payment usually can be extended over the years required for care. The orthodontist welcomes the opportunity to discuss fees on an individual basis.

    Although some people think of metal braces as the only way to fix malocclusions, improvements in technology have enabled the creation of innovative, new types of braces, as well as vast improvements in metal braces. In addition, updated thinking about when and how to treat means that people of just about any age can benefit from orthodontic treatment.


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    Eliane Mukayisenga
    5 years ago
    When I was 8, during the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, I didn't lose only my parents and most of my family members, but I also lost 3 teeth and left with a huge machete scar on my face. After 25 years, I couldn't believe that I can have my smile back. I was introduced to Frank by a mutual friend. But I had no idea what was going to come out. This makes 2.5 years visiting Andolino's clinic, each visit I was treated nicely by himself and his lovely team. My case was very complicated, it required orthodontists, dentists, surgeons, and dermatologists. Frank approached my case with integrity, he treated me with patience and care. He also introduced me to likeminded doctors such as Dr. Harrison L. Chen, D.D.S and Dr. Egidio Farone. Together, they did a tremendous job. In 2.5 years the results are beyond my imagination. After 25 years, I have my smile back and I now enjoy chewing using both of my jaws the experience that hasn't had for the last two decades. This service would have costed me hundreds of thousands of dollars, with your generosity, you offered me the whole package as PRO BONO service. I have experienced the worst inhuman act, but you have shown me how generous humanity should be. Once again, thank you.

    Steven Barbour
    5 years ago
    We want to thank Bethania and Gabby of Andolino Orthodontics for service above and beyond the call of duty. We were on our first day of our vacation when a wire came loose from our son's braces on the afternoon of July 3rd. Arriving unannounced, we were welcomed as if we were loyal customers and promptly assisted. We are so thankful as his holiday week would have been rather uncomfortable without their friendly and professional help. Thank you. Steven & Eileen Barbour of Fayetteville, NC.

    Eliane Mukayisenga
    5 years ago
    When I was 8, during the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, I didn't lose only my parents and most of my family members, but I also lost 3 teeth and left with a huge machete scar on my face. After 25 years, I couldn't believe that I can have my smile back. I was introduced to Frank by a mutual friend. But I had no idea what was going to come out. This makes 2.5 years visiting Andolino's clinic, each visit I was treated nicely by himself and his lovely team. My case was very complicated, it required orthodontists, dentists, surgeons, and dermatologists. Frank approached my case with integrity, he treated me with patience and care. He also introduced me to likeminded doctors such as Dr. Harrison L. Chen, D.D.S and Dr. Egidio Farone. Together, they did a tremendous job. In 2.5 years the results are beyond my imagination. After 25 years, I have my smile back and I now enjoy chewing using both of my jaws the experience that hasn't had for the last two decades. This service would have costed me hundreds of thousands of dollars, with your generosity, you offered me the whole package as PRO BONO service. I have experienced the worst inhuman act, but you have shown me how generous humanity should be. Once again, thank you.

    Steven Barbour
    5 years ago
    We want to thank Bethania and Gabby of Andolino Orthodontics for service above and beyond the call of duty. We were on our first day of our vacation when a wire came loose from our son's braces on the afternoon of July 3rd. Arriving unannounced, we were welcomed as if we were loyal customers and promptly assisted. We are so thankful as his holiday week would have been rather uncomfortable without their friendly and professional help. Thank you. Steven & Eileen Barbour of Fayetteville, NC.

    Steven Pollack
    9 years ago
    Caring, gentle, and funny doc.

    Steven Pollack
    9 years ago
    Caring, gentle, and funny doc.

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