Alward Peter F MD

1414 W Lombard St, Davenport, IA 52804

ORA Orthopedics is the Quad Cities largest and most comprehensive orthopedic provider proudly offering an integrated continuum of orthopedic care that includes orthopedic sub-specialty clinics, walk-in care at our Urgent OrthoCARE clinics, diagnostic imaging, bracing, physical therapy, and outpatient surgery. Our physicians are sub-specialty trained in sports medicine, adult reconstruction, hand and upper extremity, trauma, spine, pediatrics, regenerative medicine, and pain management. We are an organization comprised of physicians and medical and administrative staff working together to make a difference in the lives of our patients by providing quality, compassionate, and accessible care.

By providing advanced surgical and nonsurgical care, our focus is returning you to your favorite activities as quickly and healthy as possible. With expertise and compassion, our care focuses on restoring your health, free from injury, and getting you back to what you love to do. At ORA Orthopedics, we are dedicated to you.

Our physicians make up the areas largest team of orthopedic specialists. They proudly serve as the team physicians for local sports teams and several area colleges and high schools, including: Quad City Steamwheelers, Quad Cities River Bandits, St. Ambrose University, Augustana College, and most area high schools in the Quad Cities.

With a shared vision of the future, we will strengthen our organization by bringing our physicians and employees together into a single integrated practice. It is through this commitment that we will make a difference in the lives of our patients by providing quality, compassionate, accessible care. Together, we will be trusted leaders in delivering a full continuum of orthopedic care focused on our patients.

Alward Peter F MD - Orthodontist in Davenport, IA

Football season is in full swing at Quad City area high schools. And among the families, coaches, and players cheering for victory are team physicians like Dr. Matthew Lindaman, an ORA Orthopedics sports medicine doctor for the North Scott Lancers.

Dr. Lindaman, a North Scott alumnus, not only played for the Lancers, but also met his wife and raised his children in the district. (His 3oldest children woreLancer jerseys for football, softball, volleyball, and basketball.) So he knows something about the thrill of victory and the agony of injury.

High school sports let you see kids with such a high level of intensity and passion for not only their own play, but for school spirit. I love being around the sports teams and coaching staff with their energy and enthusiasm. And as a team physician, its especially important to work together and keep our athletes safe.

As sports medicine physicians, we enjoy watching and treating local athletes, from little leaguers to the professionals. Our first priority is safety, but if an injury occurs on the field or in the gym, our goal is to ensure treatment and rehabilitation focus on restoring an athletes health so he or she can return to play.

According to the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 200,000 people in the United States suffer concussions while playing sports every year. Concussions affect all athletes, from professional players to the youngest players in elementary school.

The AAOS defines concussions as mildly traumatic brain injuries, resulting from violent shaking. A concussion happens when a force causes the brain to rapidly move back and forth inside the skull. This may be caused by either a direct blow or by a blow to the body that forces the head to quickly rotate.

Dr. Lindaman says due to the potential for long-term complications from a sports concussion, coaches, parents, and athletes need to know the symptoms. They include drowsiness, headache, loss of consciousness or memory, dizziness, or balance problems, to name a few.

One aspect sports medicine physicians are very clear on is that an athlete who suffers from a concussion must rest completely before returning to play, says Dr. Lindaman. We dont want them jumping back into practice or games right away.

Athletes can downplay pain or injury because they fear losing playing time. Its important that we as parents, coaches, and physicians stay vigilant and step in to make the right call to protect their health. In most cases, athletes who suffer from concussions can be back on the field after a couple of weeks of rest stronger and wiser for the experience.

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