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Ask About Our

Free Consultation

One More Reason to Smile

Initial Visit



At your first visit, upon review of your medical history and medications, x-rays of your teeth will be taken.  One of our Registered Dental Hygienists will then perform, if indicated, a Dental Prophylaxis (Cleaning).  This will be followed by an examination of your x-rays as well as your teeth and oral cavity by Dr. Hussain.  We check for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and/or periodontal disease.  We discuss treatment plans for you, including replacement of any missing teeth.  This office is geared towards prevention of dental problems with an emphasis on home care by the patient.


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Intitial Visit
Our Services
Dentist Tool

Dental Cleaning (Prophylaxis)

Performed by our Registered Dental Hygienists, Dental Cleanings consist of:


  • Removal of Calculus (Tartar): Calculus is hardened plaque that has been left on the tooth for some time and is now firmly attached to the tooth surface. Calculus forms above and below the gum line and can only be removed with special dental instruments.


  • Removal of Plaque: Plaque is a sticky, almost invisible film that forms on the teeth. It is a growing colony of living bacteria, food debris and saliva. The bacteria produce toxins (poisons) that inflame the gums. This inflammation is the start of periodontal disease.


  • Teeth polishing: Removing of stain and plaque that is not otherwise removed during tooth brushing and scaling.

Deep Cleaning (Scaling and Root Planing)

Scaling and root planing are non-surgical procedures directed at removing the cause of gingival inflammation. This is accomplished by cleaning the dental surfaces below the gums often with the use of local anesthesia. These procedures work best in patients who are suffering from inflammatory gum diseases such as gingivitis and mild to severe chronic periodontitis.  Many times, insurance can cover regular 3 month cleanings after the procedure is performed.

Tooth Extraction 


Often times due to severe decay, root fracture, or lack of periodontal support, there is no alternative for a tooth other than extraction.  Teeth that can be removed in this office will be done under local anesthesia.  Every effort will be made to make sure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.  More difficult cases will be referred to an Oral Surgeon.


Special sealants can be used to cover permanent molars and/or premolars to protect hard-to-reach places where bacteria may gather. Sealants are generally placed on permanent teeth in patients under 16 years of age.  With proper home care and dental cleaning visits, sealants can greatly reduce the risk of dental caries (cavities).



To treat a cavity (decay) in a tooth, Dr. Hussain will remove the diseased area of the tooth and use white fillings to replace the area of the tooth that has been lost. Fillings can also be used to repair cracks or broken teeth that have been worn down. This type of restorative dentistry will withstand chewing and should last for many years without the need to be replaced.

Crowns and Bridges

Porcelain or porcelain fused to metal crowns are a suitable restoration to cement to a tooth where a large filling wears out, when a tooth is fractured, or to enhance the tooth’s overall appearance. The function of a crown is to provide protection for any tooth that has become too frail from decay to take on a filling or that has a crack in it.  It is often used to permanently restore a tooth that has undergone a Root Canal.

The crown restores a tooth to its normal shape and size while supporting it. This prevents the weakened tooth from disintegrating which could cause you to lose your tooth.

We can also make use of crowns to attach dental bridges to the strong teeth on either side of a lost tooth (or teeth). We can match the color of the crowns with the natural color of your teeth so the fact that you received dental work is easily not noticeable.

Partial or Full Dentures

If you have several missing teeth on either side of your mouth, partial dentures are a cost-effective way to replace missing if implants or fixed bridges are not an option. Many patients have been pleased with the technology available that allows us to create partial dentures or complete dentures. These removable dentures fill in your smile gaps and can be taken out to clean at night. They are well-suited to patients who want an affordable, fast and personalized way to solve the issue of missing teeth.  


Implants to replace missing teeth are an outstanding option for patients that want to replace a tooth or teeth without the hassle of a removable appliance or the drawback or grinding down adjacent often healthy teeth for a fixed bridge.  If you are a candidate for implants, through thorough consultation and review of x-rays, you will be referred to an Oral Surgeon who will consult with you and ultimately place the implant(s).  The implant will be permanently restored by Dr. Hussain in consultation with the Oral Surgeon.

Our Team

Insurance Accepted

Aetna PPO
Aetna DMO (Existing Patients Only)
Aetna Better Health


Even if your insurance is not listed above, often your insurance will have out-of-network benefits that can be assigned to this office.  Please call to verify.

Our Team


Office Manager

Bessy is our Office Manager at All-Star Dental.  She has been with us since its inception and is a valuable asset.  She is in charge of appointment scheduling and insurance verification among many other tasks.  Bessy is extremely well-versed in dealing with dental insurance and helping our patients be seen in a timely manner.  She is also fully trained in dental assisting and possesses a New Jersey Dental Radiation License.  She graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College in New York, NY.  She also graduated as Valedictorian in Medical Assisting from Everest College.  In her free time, Bessy enjoys spending time with her Husband and young daughter, working on home decor, and living life to the fullest! 

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Dr. Hussain

General Dentist/Owner

 Dr. Hussain puts patient comfort and empathy before all else.  He continually attends Continuing Education courses in Dentistry throughout the country so as to remain current in the latest advances and techniques in performing high quality dental treatment for his patients.


He opened All-Star Dental in Somerset more than a decade ago with the hopes and fulfillment of providing high quality dental treatment to an underserved population.  Having served as an Associate Dentist in other offices prior to opening All-Star Dental, Dr. Hussain and his staff have put their utmost effort in providing a treatment environment that they are proud of.



Dental Assistant

Kayla is our Dental Assistant.  She has completed her Certified Dental Assistant education and received her training at Everest College.  She has a New Jersey Dental Radiology License.  She has over five years of experience in the dental field and is a great asset to All-Star Dental.  In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her young son and family and reading books.



Imran R.

Visited this great office for the first time and had a phenomenal experience. Throughout my life, I had fears of visiting the dentist as I had bad experiences in the past. This was the first time ever where everything went smoothly. Dr. Hussain and his staff were super friendly and kind. The best part was the cleaning they did was painless and efficient. I highly recommend this practice to everyone.

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