Meet the Doctors

As our family and cosmetic dentists, Dr. Dheeraj Pamidimukkala and Dr. Deepak Shinde combine state-of-the-art technology with modern dental procedures and compassion to provide personalized oral health care. Our team helps patients of all ages and backgrounds achieve strong, healthy and attractive smiles. With extended evening and early morning hours, we make dental visits in Westford, Massachusetts, convenient and comfortable for your busy family.

You are unique, your smile is unique and this means your dental needs are unique. Our dentists and team at My Smile Care believe in taking time to truly listen and learn what each of our patients want and how they want to be cared for. According to your needs and desires, we will partner with you to plan treatment that meets and exceeds all of your goals. My Smile Care proudly serves Westford, Chelmsford, Littleton, Acton, Tyngsboro, Lowell, Carlisle, Billerica and surrounding communities.